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    Moderator chain_gang's Avatar
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    Crowned Heads Juarez (OBS)

    Initial puffs are filled with smooth flavors: semi-sweet San Andres earthiness, that seemed brown sugary; some leather; a nice contrasting pepper; and some of that still-undefined-by-me-cool-to-the-tasteness that's been present in quite a few of the CH sticks.

    Solid San Andres throughout - always a bit on the semi-sweet end.

    I believe the cool-to-the-tasteness is one of the elements giving some of the transitions, as it seemed to shift toward a slight vanilla.

    Maybe a bit of toasty cracker in the 3/3 . Remember thinking of the Jericho Hill.

    Much more going on - I'll get it in here next time, hopefully; but, I'm pretty sure no one really cares about personal tasting breakdowns.


    Awesome stick and a personal top contender in the $5 MSRP-range...maybe a close second, but I'll need to do a personal back-to-back...and who knows - this could overtake the Padron Maduro Londres which holds #1 in my book. Highly recommended.

    Great bomb addition - I either forgot or didn't realize at the time how good of a stick this was. Thanks again.

    Last edited by chain_gang; 06-08-2021 at 07:04 PM.

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