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    Moderator chain_gang's Avatar
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    Casa Fernandez Sabor Aganorsa Maduro (Robusto)


    Earthy maduro. Not sweet. No darkness.

    Powerful body and full flavored. Breath-taking during regular pulls.

    Lots of pepper and/or a kind of spicy pepper spice. Very dominate.

    A thought of a slight metallic-yness and/or mineral oil crossed my mind early on in the 1/3. Maybe fleeting or not really there to begin with.


    There's a gradual shift towards a cloudiness in what's going on. Noticeable downtick in ther pepper/spicy pepper, but still present in the background. May be a wood - remember reading a review of the Cuba Aliado I recently had, and a lot of reviews mentioned cedar. I bring this up, because that same "cloudiness" flavor that was in the Aliado, was here in the Sabor. Maybe a link? Maybe that's a cedar note? Still unsure.


    Cloudiness becomes more defined to a type of woody-ness. Maybe a bit of diluted tea.

    Still pretty powerful on regular pulls.

    Metallic-y note comes back. Maybe mineral-y. It has a slight zing, and is good- bitter. Very noticable on the residual, and lingers.


    Superb burn and pull.


    Pretty good and pretty interesting stick for the $7 MSRP range. There's different earth aspects going here that kept it interesting and maybe unique from other earthy maduros. Like the other earthy maduros I've recently had, I believe this stick will score higher on a second encounter. Recommended.

    Last edited by chain_gang; 05-02-2021 at 03:20 PM.

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