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    Moderator chain_gang's Avatar
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    CAO Mx2 (Box-Press / Robusto)


    Back to the exploration. Back to the tupperdore filled with the unknown. Back to...possible crap...but it's a CAO....who knows. And, back to my bums.

    Pre-Smoke Judgement:

    Had a couple CAOs, but from what I remember...they were decent, and one of them was smoked immediately after a full bodied in the noggin comes to mind. But it's a reputable brand, and I'm ready to explore it with an open mind. The Mx2 looks good, but was there's that conumdrum. Only one way to find out...


    Little chocolatey on the palate. Mild-plus, smooth and dark tasting...maybe a little dark chocolate mixed with....a little spice, perhaps. Residual is kinda soft, but dark. Digging it so far, but not impressed, one inch in. Pulls decently, has darker grey ash, and is burning evenly. No bitterness if rest periods are minimal. Flavor and profile dip a bit around 1-1/2 inch in, but it just may be me. Pretty much the same throughout the rest, except chocolatey flavor comes and goes.


    Same as above. Nothing really new as I come close to the 3/4 point. Still pretty mild-plus. Still decent tasting. Residaul becomes a little heavier, as expected, with more dark chocolate taste, but sn't really noticeable unless thought about. A decent mild-plus overall. She picks up shortly after entering the 3/4. Little bit more bold and robust now, and more dark chocolate mixed with spice taste.

    Trial By Smoke Judgement:

    It was good. Not good enough for me to want to buy more anytime soon, but I'd probably revisit later if I could score again for $2-ish. Wouldn't pay $6+ (CI), maybe $3-4 tops. Recommend to CAO fans who haven't tried it, especially if you can score at my interested pricepoint. Definitelty worth the $2-ish I paid.

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    Hairy Cigar Fairy Tombstone's Avatar
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    The MX2 in the tins is pretty good. I agree with your findings on the full size.

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    Scruffy Nerd Herfer Sir Lancerolot's Avatar
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    I'm with you - I like the MX2 but I don't love them. For my money there are better double maduros (or cigars that taste as maduro-y as double maduros) out there, and I humbly think my own double maduro home rolls are better. Surprisingly, the Sancho Panza MM are good for the money as long as you don't try to over-rest them - they're really good ROTT or within a few months thereafter. I like the Quixote best - the longer ones seem to get wonky-flavored past halfway.

    Famous Smoke's Final Blend tastes like a double maduro, but I'm not sure it is. The Indonesian addition to the blend gives them a nice extra sweetness. But I'm a big fan of Indonesian tobaccos - YMMV.
    Insert witty comment here ...

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    Moderator chain_gang's Avatar
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    @Sir Lancerolot

    I smoked and reviewed the Sancho Panza MM, and didn't care for it. However, I rested it for probably 6-9 months at 70%. Also, I've been experiencing bitterness issues with the last 4/4 cigars smoked, and was recommened by @Emperor Zurg to drop it to the low 60s, which I'm in the process of doing now. @jhedrick83 said he used to enjoy them, so maybe some of my problem with the SPMM was my RH. Maybe I'll give it another shot in the future.

    Thanks for the info, and am interested in hearing more about your home-rolleds.

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    Scruffy Nerd Herfer Sir Lancerolot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chain_gang View Post
    @Sir Lancerolot

    I smoked and reviewed the Sancho Panza MM, and didn't care for it. However, I rested it for probably 6-9 months at 70%. Also, I've been experiencing bitterness issues with the last 4/4 cigars smoked, and was recommened by @Emperor Zurg to drop it to the low 60s, which I'm in the process of doing now. @jhedrick83 said he used to enjoy them, so maybe some of my problem with the SPMM was my RH. Maybe I'll give it another shot in the future.

    Thanks for the info, and am interested in hearing more about your home-rolleds.
    I keep all my storage at 62-65%. I find I have fewer burn issues and more consistent flavors.

    Try the SP about a week after you buy them. They really do not mature gracefully.

    My home rolls taste good, but they look pretty scary. I haven't been able to spend time regularly perfecting my technique, so I still occasionally have batches with burn issues. Besides looking like something a wild man of Borneo would squint at ...
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    Jumpin’ Railcars and Collectin' Cans CentralTimeSmoke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Lancerolot View Post
    I keep all my storage at 62-65%. I find I have fewer burn issues and more consistent flavors.

    Try the SP about a week after you buy them. They really do not mature gracefully.

    My home rolls taste good, but they look pretty scary. I haven't been able to spend time regularly perfecting my technique, so I still occasionally have batches with burn issues. Besides looking like something a wild man of Borneo would squint at ...
    If you ever need a taste tester....

  12. #7
    Ruler Of The Galaxy Emperor Zurg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Lancerolot View Post
    My home rolls taste good, but they look pretty scary. I haven't been able to spend time regularly perfecting my technique...
    Yeah, yeah... Home rolls indeed.

    Don't let him pull the wool over your eyes, people. He calls them that but it's just an elaborate cover. I've seen pics of his "home rolls" and you can practically SEE the Calaberg fingerprints all over them. Yessir, he's got himself a secret stash of the elusive Guten Cala and he won't share!!
    Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

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    Royal Bum SoCal gunner's Avatar
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    The MX2 was a gateway cigar for me. They have changed some over time, as has my palate,but they hold a warm place for me.

  15. #9
    Scruffy Nerd Herfer Sir Lancerolot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Emperor Zurg View Post
    Yeah, yeah... Home rolls indeed.

    Don't let him pull the wool over your eyes, people. He calls them that but it's just an elaborate cover. I've seen pics of his "home rolls" and you can practically SEE the Calaberg fingerprints all over them. Yessir, he's got himself a secret stash of the elusive Guten Cala and he won't share!!
    LOL! I actually did get a few samples of their new Kopi Luwak cigars. The filler consists entirely of tobacco leaves that have been consumed - and "redeposited" - by tobacco beetle larvae. And of course, you know the Gutencalabergs wouldn't use just ANY tobacco beetle. They have spent years raising and selectively breeding the perfect beetle, whose larvae digest the tobacco in just the right way to enhance the natural flavors of the leaves. And I'm sure you know those aren't just ANY tobacco leaves ...

    I can hardly wait to try them ...
    Insert witty comment here ...

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    Ruler Of The Galaxy Emperor Zurg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Lancerolot View Post
    LOL! I actually did get a few samples of their new Kopi Luwak cigars. The filler consists entirely of tobacco leaves that have been consumed - and "redeposited" - by tobacco beetle larvae. And of course, you know the Gutencalabergs wouldn't use just ANY tobacco beetle. They have spent years raising and selectively breeding the perfect beetle, whose larvae digest the tobacco in just the right way to enhance the natural flavors of the leaves. And I'm sure you know those aren't just ANY tobacco leaves ...

    I can hardly wait to try them ...
    ROFL!!! And I imagine this is all done in the zero gravity of space too. Space-X indeed; it's just a Calaberg farming operation.

    Well when you do try one, we all have our fingers crossed in hopes of a review
    Last edited by Emperor Zurg; 07-15-2020 at 02:48 PM.
    Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

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