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    Moderator chain_gang's Avatar
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    CAO Black (Storm/Robusto)

    [Review Preview]

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  3. #2
    Moderator chain_gang's Avatar
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    *Been sitting in a RH of 70 for about 9 months. Pulled the puck out of the humidor, and it's been sitting at a solid 64 without any humidity packs/help for almost two weeks.


    Needed something small and tossable - I only had a brief window to get the smoke-of-the-day in. Plus I needed to get a baseline of my humidor/contents under surveillance.

    Pre-Smoke Judgement:

    The CAO will give me my tobacco fix for the day. Not expecting too much outta her. First CAO Black I've ever had. I'm hoping the bitterness isn't too much of a problem.


    Started off nice with some peoper on the retrohale. Kinda tasted like the Tatuaje Black, but toned down and not as flavorful. Bitterness was back and forth - manual and flame purging help tremendously, but it was a constant battle. The flavors when it was good included pepper, maybe cardamom, spices/flavors found in the Tatuaje Black, and maybe some licorice. Tossed around the 1/2 point, not because I wanted to, but we had evening plans.

    Trial By Smoke Judgement:

    She was good when she was good, and, well, to be honest, my bums...a bitch when she was a bitch. However, she was only a finicky bitch, because I treated her bad. I'd buy another one, because she did have a decency to her, and I'm sure she's much more loving when treated correctly. Can't recommend NOW, but I will be...(get ready for it)...(think AC/DC)... BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKK (with) BBBBBBBLLLLLLLLLLLLLLAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKK !

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