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    Moderator chain_gang's Avatar
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    Camacho American Barrel Aged (Robusto)


    Went with an American themed cigar. And she's been beckoning me since I got for a sweet $3.50 guessed it...about 6-8 months ago.

    Intial Stuff:

    Punched her. First of the Camacho barrel aged line for me. Stating the review close to the start of the 2/3.

    Pre-Smoke Judgement:

    Camachos are tremendous. 'Nough said.


    Nice little spice. Reminds me of the nice "spice" from a dark liquor. Medium plus. Not much of a bourbon man, myself, as I've been recently a Columbus of the ryes.


    The residual taste is dark-liquor-esque. Not a lot, but hintish as I come close to where the wrapper was. Little more of that residual is noticeable through the nose. Diggin it, but not lovin it, and that's fine. Not a heavy cigar, pretty smooth, a little bite to it. I give the punched area a squeezing to open it up more. The pulls are making me want something dark with a nice bite, preferably a liquor of course. The residual is becoming less hintish of the above liquor flavor, and now is more pronounced. Kinda tastes like I took a small thimble sized sip of a dark liquor. Starting to dig it more, and wanting to start the drinking phase of the 4th sooner than anticipated. But, we're last minute kinda family and I've still gotta get our provisions for the feast ahead...and as we all know, the wife wouldn't appreciate knowing she's gotta do the shopping. Damn this would be nice with a straight drink, or my favorite, a Rye Old Fashioned. Somebody's rockin' "Proud to Be An American" in their car as they drive by. I'm feeling the "warmth" of a dark liquor in my body as I continue puffing. Way more tasty residual, definitely bourbon. Kinda sweetish, warm, and cozy. The nose it getting more of the spice or warmth that comes with a nice sip. I want to stop talking about its bourbon flavor, because I'm craving it now. The chest is becoming warm, like when taking a bitch-sized shot (and my preferred size) down the gullet. Not a strong tobacco flavor, and still not heavy, but the bite is bigger. Eyes and nose are watery from a bigger pull. Smooth, with a nice bite...just how I like my rye (and bourbon, but I'm not a bourbon guy...yet). The last couple of pulls have been bigger, and the residual is more bitter...I'll stay with smaller "sips" for a while.


    I'm no bitch, but I also not a heavy-weight. I've got a buzz-ish feeling, not a nicotine overload buzz, but that may be a factor. More "warmth" in the chest and mouth, and believe me my fellow bums, I'm not inhaling. Little more intensity as I'm more into the final third. Gonna let her rest for a minute. The dog's passed out, the birds are chirpin, kids are quiet (kinda alarming), the flag is out (as always), and I'm ready to rock and roll the 4th away now. Back to Camacho, and, yes, she need a little restin just like the dog. Little more sweetish, I'd say. Closing in on the fore-finger-digit-length remainder. A little bitter...let's give her another rest. A little sip, and, yes, just what she needed. Sippin, and restin, just like a nice rye...or boubon, if you will.

    Trial By Smoke Judgement:

    She's been nice. Good bite, and definitley full of a dark liquor, most likely bourbon, especially as I hit the 2/3 and became more pronounced as I continued. I'm not a bourbon guy yet, but from what I remeber, it's there. She's a fantastic $3.50 smoke, and I think I'd pay the B&M MSRP
    (~$10) if I wanted a known good pairing for a dark liquor. I wouldn't mind looking for a good priced fiver or box of these, and think I will soon.

    Enjoy your 4th!
    Last edited by chain_gang; 07-09-2020 at 05:26 PM.

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