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    Moderator chain_gang's Avatar
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    Cain Straight Ligero Maduro (Torpedo)

    Pre-Smoke Judgement:

    I think this will be a winner. Had my first Cain (Nub) a couple months ago, and it was good, especially for a $1-2 Cbid find, so this will fit into the top 5% tier of misc. unrecognized brands and cigars within that price range.

    Initial Stuff:

    Couldn't find my trusty V-Cut Xikar (not shilling, just informing...with a little flexing) so I says to myself...How will a punch do with a torpedo? I figure it won't do to well...and it didn't. With all my cutting utensil options exhausted, I go to the old-school instictively, and not caring how more civilized bums will take my approach...I use my trusty teeth to do the job in placed of the mechanized blade.


    Nice and spicy, just how I like em. Love the retrohale with this guy; it really lets those boogery infested hairs tingle like a schoolgirl in love. The nose gets acclimated and I focus on the profile/taste/whatever. Fairly smooth, riding close to the second third. Thinkin I could use nice cup of black joe right now, so I let the cigar chill while I start the coffee.


    Spiciness is almost gone...and it's gone. I bite off more (no apologies here), to open her up. There we go. And that spice is back. Cigar died as I finished my French Press, and yes, bums, it is a fancy man's apparatus, but Keurig isn't allowed here. The spice dies down for about 10 puffs, then BOOM. Wife calls, and I finish the coffee, and I give the Cain a fire touch-up. Spice level goes back to minimum. Same solid flavour throughout, up to now. Nothing special, but still kinda smoothish. Starts to lose momentum half way through, but maybe it's the coffee. I bite off a bit mor, find a little vein stuck between my teeth, and roll the gnawed end. A little bit more robustness. The overall flavor is disappointing as I near the final third, but maybe it's the joe (it's pretty strong).


    Starting to lose total interest. I try a couple back-to-back puffs to increase the temp and burn. There it is, as my eyes begin to tear. Maybe I've been puffing like a schoolboy? Yes, the spice and robustness is back. Interest has repeaked. Gotta hit strong with this fella for a good blow back. Forgot to add, I'm a retrohaler, and have been doing so since the beginning of this cigar. Spice and nose reacclimates, but the intensity is still there with something new emerging close to still the beginning of the final third. The new taste is a little sweet, followed by a strong, runny nose inducing, spice. The wife's not around, so I clear both nostrils onto the ground, one at a time. I start to hit a little more softly, and that same smooth, nice tobacco flavor returns, while the sweetness and spice fades. The black coffee isn't pairing well with this one. The wife's still not around, so I hawk the bitterness out. Bitterness still lingers from the coffee, and I decide to hit hard. Without a doubt, the heavy and pleasurable qualities of the Cain return. Gotta wrap this session up about halfway through the final third.

    Trial By Smoke Judgement:

    It's a quality cigar and a diamond in the rough for the pricepoint and brand identity off Cigarbid (never heard of em before Cbid, nor remember seeing Cains at local B&Ms). If you can't score it for 2 bucks or less, wait on it. It shouldn't be high on your buy list. It's not worthy of $7 (CI), but I enjoyed it, and will wait for more Cains to drop to this price. Good for a everyday smoke that doesn't hit the wallet to hard. Best parts: spiciness, robustness, torpedo shape, and smoothness. Remember to hit hard for the ligero to shine.
    Last edited by chain_gang; 07-09-2020 at 05:21 PM.

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    Royal Bum SoCal gunner's Avatar
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    Nice write up - Cain at sub $2 is a steal - great stick for a solid dose of vitamin N!

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