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    Moderator chain_gang's Avatar
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    Bahia Gold (Torpedo)

    Intro / Pre-Smoke Judgement:

    Mr. @DogRockets brought up Bahia, maybe the Red, not too long ago, and influenced my choice of stick to pair with some much needed yard work. While it's not the Red, I'm thinking the Gold will give me my $1 worth, and be a nice introduction to the brand. Time to learn n' burn...and weed whack.

  2. #2
    Moderator chain_gang's Avatar
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    2nd Intro & Pre-Smoke Judgement

    It's important I mention, and emphasize something here:

    This was a stick I avoided. Not because I've had it or something within the Bahia brand (it's my first Bahia). It was a pariah in the sense that it fell into my categorical: "one buck, who gives a fuck". I've had so many $1 & $2 sticks, that the pricepoint alone (all sticks purchased within) has damn near imparted an evolutionarily-gained mental Early Dismissal System. We probably all have this evolution - whether it be Gurkha , or anything at pricepoint alone.


    Little bit of pepper off the bat in the retrohale. Cherry noticed there as well. More likely it's cherry wood. All I know is there is something cherry here. Great tobacco flavor. Not a lot of bite, or strength. Burns like a champ - many long breaks in between, and nothing a short "purge" (non-flame) or blow into the cut couldn't quickly remedy. Solid medium. Solid flavor throughout. Light cherry or cherry wood on the residual.


    Upticks in tobacco intensity - nice. Uptick in cherry - nice. Upticks around the board - bite, strength, and residual. Not really any pepper. Solid construction - the wind blew it off thw fence, it hit the concrete, and nothing was affected. Smoked and enjoyed down to the nub.

    Trial By Smoke Judgement:

    CI (or Bahia) says its "the gold standard of Bahia). Not sure about that slogan, because I've only had the Gold, and nothing more by Bahia. BUT, they kinda stole my tag here, and I'm a little annoyed by that, my bums. Here's my tag: "The gold standard of budget." This only goes for the Gold, but damn and I wanting to check out @DogRockets Red, and everything of there's on Cigarbid. HIGHLY recommended to the bargain bums, and HIGHLY recommended to the snobby bums. I'm both, myself, so don't take offense. I'm damn glad my evolutionarily gained "instinct" took a nice shot in the jimmies here, my bums.

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  4. #3
    Monster Bum DogRockets's Avatar
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    I've been interested to try the Bahia Brazil (green/yellow band I believe) but haven't yet. Taste the Bahia (Maduro) rainbow!

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