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    Moderator chain_gang's Avatar
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    Ave Maria Holy Grail (Salomon)


    Started off ultra mild and very bland, with almost nothing there. A mixture of nutty, earthy, and woody notes slowly came to light. Cherry wood, and most likely walnuts. Mild bodied and flavored.


    A nice transition near the widest portion. For a bit, the wood seemed to have turned into a semi-aromatic tea - still lightly flavored. Towards the end, the nutty turned into something that I couldn't identify. Still pretty mild.


    Unable to figure out what the transition was, I began to think of the flavor wheel's sectors. Cereal grains was something that stuck in my mind, but I still couldn't pinpoint the taste to that sector. Thought of the different grains, and oats started coming to mind more and more as I smoked. Started to think of the dust smell from a bag of rolled oats - that was getting closer to what I believe the taste was. Then I began to think "derivatives of oat", since it wasn't exactly oat, and came to identify it more as an oat-soaked water kinda taste. But, there I go thinking too much again and now publicly making an ass of myself - but, it won't be the last time.


    Tossed shortly into it. Wrapper turned to shit, so I broke it off and smoked it wrapper-free for a couple minutes while thinking of the Ezra Zion sticks that I remembered seeing that came without wrappers - something about raw cigars or something. Wasn't bad, and the wrapper wasn't really giving it much taste - at least at this point. Thought about how I can make my own "raw cigars" or whatever they home.


    Restrictive draw throughout. Stick seemed to taste better with a higher-than-normal pace, and it burned much better due to the uptick in pace - probably the draw issue. Weak wrapper - tried the ol' pinch-n-roll to free-up the draw, but the wrapper started cracking.


    Pretty good for a mild stick. Some nice transitions kept it interesting. Got it for a buck, and it easily smoked great for that price; and I'd even say it smoked easily above it, but nowhere near the MSRP. This stick upped my respect for Ave Maria, and I'd eventually like to return and re-review to some of the past sticks I've smoked and probably (too lazy to check) reviewed negatively. I probably won't be back to the Holy Grail due to the size and mildness, but I'd happily smoke another if one were to find it's way in my tuppie. Recommended.

    Last edited by chain_gang; 04-23-2021 at 04:43 PM.

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