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    Moderator chain_gang's Avatar
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    AKA Hybrid (ABS)


    Ay, @Ciro , I'm takin' care of that thing ya' sent me.

    Pre-Smoke Judgement:

    Never heard of this brand. Looking forward to enjoying it. Research tells me it's a Davidoff line...and a $2 buck stick...and that bothas me...but they do seem to be sold out everywhere. Well, if the Don thinks it's it good - THEN IT'S GOOD...CAPISCE?


    Hella tight draw. I had to get a safety pin and shiv the hell outta the v-cut. Pinched and rolled it like a good Italian baker. Did get some nice butter off the retrohale. Medium to medium plus. Nice tobacco bite. I'm not getting all there is to be had. I'm suckin' more than the Bada Bing, ov'ah he'ah @Ciro . Whad'ya pack a brick in thng? A little toastiness. Burn line is a little erratic. Light gray ash. A little doughy.


    The residual is kinda dark tobacco, with a nice lingering bite, and my mouth is getting dry due to all the work. I give the AKA a purgin', just for shits n' giggles. Doesn't do much. OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHH (Italian dramatic "oh")! I've been messing with it a bunch, pinching and rolling, and I hear the wrapper crack a couple times. I make a cross cut by doing a v-cut perpendicular to the original v-cut. Call me "Johnny Two Times", and I'll crack ya f***in skull with a tire iron. I stab and wiggle, stab and wiggle. I even stab the cherry end and wiggle. I start biting off more of the cap - great tobacco bite on the mouth, by the way. Tossed around the 1/2 mark.

    Possible Root-Cause:

    Something to do with only half the stick's tobacco burning. I had to constantly blow and relight to keep half of it alive, even before the tinkering. I could feel a big stem on my teeth with digging around the cut.
    @Ciro , I gave it hell. You don't wanna see the end product. It's resting peacefully now it the graveyard, so the job is done. Not the way we in the Guido Squad like to handle business...but sometimes it gets outta hand and turns sloppy.

    Trial By Smoke Judgement:

    Never have been more annoyed, or had to do as much work with a cigar. There was something tasty there, and I think only half of the tobacco was being drawn, which makes me think I wasn't getting the full experience. Hopefully this isn't a known issue with this line. I do recommend it, especially at the $2-ish pricepoint. There's not a lot out there that is worth that price, but I'm thinkin' that's not the case with the AKA.
    @Ciro , or my bums, let me know where to score these at...if there are anymore floating around. Did a quick search earlier, and nothing.
    @Ciro :

    I tried saving this guy, and am sorry it turned out this way. You're still the Squad's Don, and am very appreciative of the smoke. Thanks again.

    Extra pic:

    The infamous castle cut job - before the maul'n.
    Last edited by chain_gang; 08-26-2020 at 08:20 PM.

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    Hairy Cigar Fairy Tombstone's Avatar
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    Never realised those were such a budget stick. I have been gofted a few and have enjoyed them.

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    The Guido Squad Ciro's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear that the stick turned out to be rough.

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