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    Moderator chain_gang's Avatar
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    Aging Room Habano (Robusto)


    A little change in pace of the garbage. Had these for a couple months now, but were reserved for an event I was planning to host. Virus happened; event is up-in-the-air; figured I'll restock; so here we are...

    Pre-Smoke Judgement:

    Love the brand, and am looking forward to a Habano twist.


    Nice habano flavor. Medium bodied. I'm drinking Skrewball (Peanut Butter Whiskey), so the sweetness observed from the Habano may be overpowered by the whiskey. Nice spice and very smooth. Draw isn't bad, but requires a little work. Clean ash and clean burn line. I definitely think the whiskey is too sweet for this cigar - 1 inch in. Not as pungent as other Aging Room cigars. A DEEP intake, showcases the melding of the blend, a nice habano signature, and a light presence of the Aging Room signature pungency at the 3/2 inch point.


    As with other Aging Room smokes, the Habano will clue you when to slow the roll. Patience is virtue with this brand, at least in my experiences. After a solid minute or more, the Habano pays with a slight uptick in profile . Try opening the cut up more if bitterness is tasted. A battle with bitterness ensues during the final leg...


    Disappointment, my bums...that's all that comes to mind. This is now 2/2 Aging Room smokes that have become ruined. The Aging Room Original is one of my most coveted cigars....and I'm lost here. I had to toss it...and I'm in disbelief...right at the beginning of the 3/3. F***!

    Trial By Smoke Judgement:

    It was awesome till about halfway through, then the bitterness began. I couldn't believe it just became damn near instantly bad. But, I bought a fiver, and still have four left. All further smokes of the AR Habano will be posted here. I'm staying optimistic, but the brand isn't batting well outside the Original and Nic. So far, I couldn't recommend. But, stay tuned.

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    Royal Bum
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    Mathew, you seem to have problems with bitterness. 2 suggestions! Bitterness can be a problem from smoking too fast and getting the cigar too hot. So try smoking slower and keep your cigar burning cooler. Also, have you tried purging or even a flaming purge when things start going south with bitterness? It often helps correct the problem.
    Last edited by Old Smokey; 07-12-2020 at 09:30 PM.

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    Moderator chain_gang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Old Smokey View Post
    Mathew, you seem to have problems with bitterness. 2 suggestions! Bitterness can be a problem from smoking too fast and getting the cigar too hot. So try smoking slower and keep your cigar burning cooler. Also, have you tried purging or even a flaming purge when things start going south with bitterness? It often helps correct the problem.

    Purging as in blowing through the cap's cut? I'll look into both, but have never heard of the flame purge. I keep a good pace and am aware of overheating and smoking too fast, but they seemed to be no help with the last two Aging Rooms. Thanks for your info!

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