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    Moderator chain_gang's Avatar
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    Adwani Habano (Robusto / Box Press)

    Initial Puffs:

    Caramel and probably black pepper. Intense body and lots of pepper. Wasn't sharp, and seemed a bit more towards dark; but the profile wasn't dark. Pretty good.


    Full bodied.

    Still lots of body and intensity. Tried sipping lighter, but then burn issues occurred.

    The first inch or two was enjoyable. There was still a hint of the caramel, and I always enjoy a good amount of pepper.

    Spiced apples, pie crust, and a general sweetness came to mind, maybe once or twice, but not all together. Not consistent whatsoever. Must've been fleeting, or me searching too deep for something to grab.

    Stick seemed to want to burn hot. With normal pacing - I wasn't getting the full offering, and it didn't want to fully burn. Had to pick up the pace, and allow less rest. Had to touch-up 3-4 times. I've had these issues before with box press sticks.

    May have been some leather throughout, but the intensity of the body never let it shine or become definite.

    Tossed at pic #2 due to disinterest. Became bland+. Most likely due to construction - the need to stay hot and not let the stick meld. Never became harsh, rough, or tarry.


    OK-at-best kinda stick. Not bad, not good, and not near $9 (plus CA tax!) worthy. Seemed like there was potential, and maybe there is, but I'll stick to the Maduro offering next time. Can't recommend the Habano, though.
    Last edited by chain_gang; 04-20-2021 at 09:42 AM.

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