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    Rhymes with "seed" Zeede's Avatar
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    5 Vegas Gold Toro review

    6" x 50 rg

    Thanks to @SweetCigars for giving me this cigar (as well as the Torpedo of the same blend, which I need to try again for a re-review)

    Before the fire

    Cedar notes on the foot and pre-light draw. This isn't that surprising, given that I have three sheets of cedar in my OXOdor. Whenever I open my OXOdors I get a wonderful smell of the different tobaccos with a hint of cedar. It will be interesting to see how my humidor smells, since there is way more cedar in there.

    The wrapper is a typical Ecuadorian Connecticut color. Some veins, although none huge, and some seams, but nothing sloppy. As with the Torpedo I had, this is a solid, inexpensive mild cigar.

    As with almost every cigar I've had, I use the 9mm punch on the bottom of my Xikar ELX. I'm pleased that my technique has improved. This is the second cigar in a row where I haven't split the cap!

    Fire! Fire!

    Right away I get buttery, creamy notes. More puffs yield something tasty, like toast or bread. Retrohaling only yields a hint of spice, even with a full blast of it going out the nostrils. The nuttiness and the creaminess together remind me of a typical California chardonnay white wine.

    As the first inch burns to a close, tobacco and coffee notes stop in to say "hi" to old friends.

    I notice that the cigar does not produce a huge amount of smoke compared to other cigars I've had. Moderate amounts of smoke.

    As the first 1/3rd wraps up, wood notes (maybe cedar?) start to come in a bit.

    For the remainder of the cigar, the flavors do not really change much. Butter, cream and something scrumptious remain the main flavors, with tobacco and coffee as secondary, and wood/cedar as the tertiary. Spice remains quite low, so folks really averse to spice would very much enjoy this cigar.

    The burn line remained very good with this cigar, needing touching up only after the second ashing. The ash hung onto this cigar for 2" at a time, so I only ever ashed twice (the third time I was done with the cigar and just wanted to ash it to facilitate the nub going out on its own, so I don't count that).

    Total time:

    2 hours 10 minutes

    There was about an inch left, but there was an increase in off flavors and harshness, so I stopped. I actually noticed my palate starting to get a little fatigued at the start of the last 1/3rd, but I'm quite happy that slowing down my draws has really helped me stave off nicotine nausea, palate fatigue and overheating the cherry.

    I definitely intend to browse CigarBid looking to pick up the other six vitolas I haven't tried in this line.

    Edit: Although I may skip the Robusto (same ring gauge as this Toro, just one inch shorter in overall length)
    Last edited by Zeede; 06-02-2015 at 02:55 AM.

  2. #2
    Bummin' Around Yarddog's Avatar
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    I was given one of these a little over a year ago, and pretty quickly it became my go-to stick. After a couple of boxes, I had moved on as my palate had changed, but these remain an EXCELLENT stick for the money, in my opinion. Pretty mild, but just a nice, mellow smoke. For picky ceegar folk, maybe they might look down their long noses at this cigar, but I think they're pretty dern fine!

  3. #3
    Rhymes with "seed" Zeede's Avatar
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    Yeah, being not even three full months yet in the hobby, these suit me just fine.

  4. #4
    Hairy Cigar Fairy Tombstone's Avatar
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    They are a good cigar. If your looking to try out other 5Vegas I think the new miami ages well. Fresh they are ok. 6 months down they really come into their prime.

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