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    Moderator chain_gang's Avatar
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    2012 by Oscar Valladares Maduro (Short Robusto)

    [Review Preview]


    Been enjoying getting back into the cigar swing after a three week sabbatical. Two a day...for now...probably until next week.

    Pre-Smoke Judgement:

    Second Oscar. First 2012. The other was The Oscar or something...too lazy to look it up, but it was reviewed. I remember me over-doing it with the lighting of the stick, and just being overbearing on the stick in general. I'm gonna give this stick the respect it...hopefully...deserves. I'm thinking this will be a good smoke, as it seems Oscar V is pretty popular around here.

    Last edited by chain_gang; 08-27-2020 at 08:39 PM.

  2. #2
    Moderator chain_gang's Avatar
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    •Nice pepper right away
    •Strong tobacco
    •There's a deepness to the flavor
    •Slight dark cherry in the background, and a tad on the residual
    •Definitely cherry
    •Maybe cherry wood?
    •The tobacco bite lingers and nibbles on the tongue and palate.
    •Possiblly purist-esque
    •Intensity uptick nearing the 2/2


    •Pepper pleasurably burns through the retrohale, and kinda tastes different from most pepper tastes I can recall - it may be white peppercorns, as it is more fiery, and less pungent
    •There are somethings I cannot discern, as the flavor is still deep and kinda complex
    •Stronger pepper at the 2 inch from cut mark, and quite bold now
    •Around about the 2 inch mark, it's heavy tobacco and strong fiery pepper
    •Residual is clean, and light, still with a lingering bite
    •Very much purist flavors now

    Trial By Smoke Judgement:

    It was a different kinda smoke to me, and I overall enjoyed it. I don't think I'll be back to it anytime soon, but it definitely got my attention to check out what Oscar V is all about. This stick is kinda hard for me to gauge, because there were a couple things going on that I couldn't discern - but that doesn't mean I didn't like that aspect of it. It's a little of an adventurous smoke - yeah, that's what I'd day. I honestly didn't expect what I got, and I like that. It's recommended, not highly, but check this 2012 out when you get around to it, or you want to add a little mystery or adventure to your day. $6-7? I think, price-wise. I'd pay that again.

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