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    Moderator chain_gang's Avatar
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    Room 101 Farce Maduro (Papi Chulo / 4 x 42)

    Very maduro heavy. The maduro was tasty, but I wasn't expecting it to be as powerful, but it does make sense now. With these smaller sticks, what I've read and come to find out first-hand, is the wrapper seems highlighted. That was definitely the case with the Papi Chulo vitola. The maduro flavor is very dark, kinda charred tasting, kinda chocolatey; and if I recall correctly, smoky flavored (not peaty).

    I didn't get as much of the internal tobacco blend, which should be common (haven't researched yet) with the Habano version. There were times when some of what I refer to as "signature" (flavors/spices/whatever common within a brand) things would pop out, but they did not seem solid throughout. I like maduro cigars, but this seemed to over-shadow everything else.

    I did enjoy the maduro-iness, but if you read the Habano review, this stick probably could've used a little rest. I was just expecting more Room 101-ness from it.

    There was a small puncture near an inch from the foot (didn't see it when purchasing) that made the draw a pain at first. When I found the hole, I just covered it with a finger, and it drew fine. After the burn passed the hole, the draw was nice.

    Again had to cut this session short, maybe close to the 3/3, and did have to pause sometime before that, so I'm probably missing quite a bit. I'm loving the Room 101 stuff, so I know I'll be back to post more here (of the Papi Chulos), or separate review threads for different vitolas.

    Trial By Smoke Judgement:

    Unsure at this point, but did like the maduro. I want to try other vitolas of the Farce Maduro, to see which one best suits me. I will definitely give the Papi Chulo more shots, mostly because I like the size, to see what's going on between it and other vitolas. I could only recommend it to heavy maduro fans, who enjoy smaller vitolas - but you may have a plethora of options at the $6 range only based on those two inputs.
    Attachment 7691
    Last edited by chain_gang; 11-10-2020 at 12:07 PM.

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