Bummin' Around
Andrew is my name and I know some of you from elsewhere. From NY but living in Japan. Smoked a pipe in college for about two years (about 9 years ago). Started smoking a pipe back in 2013 and have been doing so ever since. My favorite blends are typically based with Virginia or Burley. I have a decent collection of briars, some meers and a few mortas. Looking forward to getting to know you all (some again)
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Originally Posted by
Mr Motoyoshi
Andrew is my name and I know some of you from elsewhere. From NY but living in Japan. Smoked a pipe in college for about two years (about 9 years ago). Started smoking a pipe back in 2013 and have been doing so ever since. My favorite blends are typically based with Virginia or Burley. I have a decent collection of briars, some meers and a few mortas. Looking forward to getting to know you all (some again)
Sup andrew! Come hang out with me over in the cigars sections!
Royal Bum
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Royal Bum
Originally Posted by
Kevin Keith
A swing and a miss! We know you're an old softie!
Curses!!! Foiled again!!!!
Lakeland Bum
Real name is John but people call me Tab. I'm a Puff refugee.
Started my first pipe collection in 1972. What got my attention was a visit to the Tinder Box at a local mall. It opened up my eyes to another world of pipes and tobaccos that I hadn't known existed.
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Bummin' Around
Finally made it out of the Puff wreck. I'm Rick from South Africa aka Bleskop, which is the Afrikaans language word for bold head. My last topic posted on the previous forum was "I envy you guys abroad". As some of you know I'm still new to pipe smoking but a lot happened in these few days of silence between forum jumping. I got my hands on a few tins and even a new pipe. It is nice to see some familiar faces again. My compliments to the person/s who started this forum as I was a bit lost without the chit chat with people who share the same passion.
Freshly Homeless
I'm Joshua from St Louis. VERY new to pipes (I know what aromatic tobacco is, and that's about it).
My first pipe (a MM cob) should be waiting in my mailbox today, along with the SmokingPipes starter pack (a czech tool, a few unnamed samples, a cheap plastic pipe, a stand, and a pipe/tobacco case). Also got some Low Country Cooper, Low Country Santee, and some Frog Morton's Cellar. Hopefully none of those suck too bad.
Since I'm clueless about everything from variations in tobacco to cellaring practices to proper packing, I'm sure I'll be relying on you all a lot, and thanks in advance for the advice!
I'm Paul from Long Island and I'm fairly new to pipes. I am learning and with the help of a few good people on this site and others I'm trying to pick it up.
I was gifted a briar and I've picked up several Missouri Meerschaum Corn Cobs which I absolutely love. I have a few tins of different blends and have figured out that the same blend doesn't taste the same in every pipe. I'm cataloging which do though so that I can revisit certain ones.
I'll be keeping up hopefully with this site and trying to gain as much knowledge as possible here.
Lonely Wandering Bum
My name is Ken. Piper for about 10 years. More tobac than I can smoke in my lifetime. I enjoy a couple cigars weekly. Prolly about 20 bowls weekly with the pipe. I smoke cobs with burley and briar for Va stuff. Got a nice Bekler Meer for lat stuff. Lat kicks ass in a meer. Favorite tobacco...John Pattons Storm Front in a MM Freehand.
Lucky Bum
Hello, Alan from Portland,Or. Forty years smoking only piping the last couple. I have a BigBen and a couple cobs and seem to enjoy aros. Cavendish and Burley mixes mostly. Kind of like cigars I don't find many I dislike! Enjoy
Don’t wait for the storm to pass. Learn to dance in the rain.