Today was a good day!
So I am a relatively new pipe smoker, I have been smoking pipes for about 2 months now. Been smoking cigars for a long time before that. Well today, I was at my local B&M smoking some Ashton Rainy Day and I tried packing my bowl using the frank method for the first time.
I DIDN'T HAVE TO RELIGHT ONCE! That was a first for me, I always had issues keeping it from going out on me even relatively quickly after a light. I was very very happy and thus today was a good day. Small victories for newbies.
How's everyone else doing?
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Waiting on Octember 1st
Nice! I was years into the hobby and still relishing "little victories" like looking at flake and intuitively knowing exactly how much to rub out in order to fill a particular bowl. It adds fun to the experience
rød hals
I started out packing a bowl of C&D Red Odessa, Had a strong cedarish smell to it,set it aside to rest for an hour or so.I then proceeded to break one of my pipes in half.always screw something up when I get ticked. I light up that RO and noticed a strong flavor profile, mostly tasted and smelled of wood smoke kind of a hickory flavor, rather nice and I sat back to enjoy it.Had to relight a cpl of times and tamping went with that,but all together a real fine smoke. I noticed that I got a pretty good nicotine high from it, being a cigarette smoker I haven't had that in years.So today has been a really great day, good prep,major screw up,Excellent finish !
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Advisor to Bum Wanabees
I love celebrating these little wins that make the hobby more enjoyable
RIP Don DeBusk, I miss you more than you’ll ever know my good friend.
Jumpin’ Railcars and Collectin' Cans
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You oughta know not to stand by the window, somebody see you up there.
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Welcome, Joe!
Thanks for the welcome! Enjoying my time here.
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