Bummin' Around
Username: first initial, last name
Avatar: Steve Martin smoking a corncob pipe in "The Jerk", because it's funny.
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Piperdown because I used to be in a bagpipe marching band.
Grizzly bear because at work I'm known as the 'Gristly bear'…..gristly meat combined with bear like attitude when I'm poked.
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Custom User Title
Bruck is a nickname I picked up years ago on my local (Detroit at the time) ham radio frequency. When departing the on-air conversation, I'd sign off with something along the lines of, "the preceding transmission is brought to you courtesy of the Voice of Bruck News Service." I later started a blog by that same name, which attracted about 2 dozen readers. I don't update it much anymore.
Avatar: outline of Michigan's upper peninsula, where approximately half of my relatives live, and which is the greatest place on planet Earth ...for about four months of the year
You oughta know not to stand by the window, somebody see you up there.
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The G.O.A.T.
Both: Being an 80's baby, Mike was a huge influence on my life and is my favorite athlete of all time (maybe tied with Ali). He was also one of the people who sparked my interest in cigars. To this day, I apply his sports approach (focus, compete, push yourself, etc.) to various parts of my life. So when I first joined a cigar forum and was thinking of what username/avatar to use, Jordan23 seemed obvious.
One game in Utah, Jordan dunked on John Stockton. Jazz owner Larry Miller yelled "pick on someone your own size." On the next possession he dunked on 7'1 center Mel Turpin and shouted "he big enough for you?"
When told that Clyde Drexler was a better three-point shooter than him, Jordan responded "Clyde is a better three-point shooter than I choose to be." Then he hit 6 threes in game 1.
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The G.O.A.T.
Originally Posted by
Piperdown because I used to be in a bagpipe marching band.
Grizzly bear because at work I'm known as the 'Gristly bear'…..gristly meat combined with bear like attitude when I'm poked.
I always wondered about the bear. I figured you were an outdoorsman of some sort.
One game in Utah, Jordan dunked on John Stockton. Jazz owner Larry Miller yelled "pick on someone your own size." On the next possession he dunked on 7'1 center Mel Turpin and shouted "he big enough for you?"
When told that Clyde Drexler was a better three-point shooter than him, Jordan responded "Clyde is a better three-point shooter than I choose to be." Then he hit 6 threes in game 1.
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The Eggman
Blaylock is derived from Blake Lockhart.
I chose the name Blake Lockhart when I joined Club Stogie in 2006.
At that time, we bought a condo. in Palm Coast, FL with my brother-in-law and his family. It was very nice...on the beach, pool complex, golf course, and best of all a Cigar Lounge.
One night, sitting in the lounge, we started talking about being rich and famous one day. He jokingly stated he'd change his name to Chest Rockwell and I declared mine to be Blake Lockhart. Vacationing together, we had a lot of fun introducing ourselves to strangers using those names.
Anyway, I changed my name to a combined version of that when I joined Puff.
My avatar picture selection seemed to fit my personality...capable to take on a leadership role, but not to be taken too seriously. Plus I'm a HUGE Star Trek fan!
Last edited by Blaylock; 03-11-2015 at 07:37 PM.
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Royal Bum
Handle came from the Mrs. She says that "You're my Brian"! to make it sound good she just rearranged it a bit.
The avatar is my daughter's self done Halloween make up from 2013.
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Ruler Of The Galaxy
Originally Posted by
My avatar is gonna be my next tattoo
Is that the Pequod?
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I broke the see saw!
Originally Posted by
Emperor Zurg
Is that the Pequod?
I'm not gonna lie. I don't kmow. I love the ghost ship though
Pissing off people since 1973.....and getting better everyday
Don't listen to this guy!
Since my dad went by George, to cut confusion, I was called by my initials. Most friends and family still call me G.W. or G (shortened my initials?)
The avatar is a pic of my dad, that was on the front page of a local paper (Mt. Airy News) in '74, I believe. It was taken at a local festival (The Autumn Leaves Festival). He was wearing typical hillbilly, flannel shirt, bib overalls, and a straw hat. The pipe he is smoking is a cob he made. I have one, maybe that one. Re-found it just after Thanksgiving. At Christmas, I loaded it with Carter Hall, lit it and passed it around to my sons like a peace pipe. Looking to put it in a small shadow box for keeps.
Happy as if I had good sense.
“Life is filled with glorious opportunities brilliantly disguised as insoluble problems.” Jerry Falwell
formerly gtechva
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