Jumpin’ Railcars and Collectin' Cans
How many times have you said .......
I have a 36 pipe rack ..... it's full. I have pipes in boxes, pipes in drawers, pipes in bags, pipes lying on my desk, pipes I have never smoked, pipes I never will smoke, pipes I have purchased that have still to reach my mailbox. When I first took up the hobby years ago, I thought 3 pipes would be plenty. Then I thought, I really should have one for each day of the week. Soon I picked up a 12 pipe rack and, well, you just can't have empty spaces on your rack. Soon I had overflow pipes and was looking for a larger rack. Then I found the 36 pipe rack and, well, you know what happened. Today I have decided that the saturation point has been reached. So, from this day forward, I will buy no more pipes. And this time, I mean it. Well, except maybe that Chacom I've had my eye on on Ebay ....... but after that....
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Custom User Title
There is no cure for PAD
I've got about 20 pipes right now. I just make a pipe rack with space for 39. I figure I've got some "room to grow" now.
You oughta know not to stand by the window, somebody see you up there.
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Bummin' Around
I just found a pipe I bought six months ago. It was in the console of the Jeep. I was out looking for pipes yesterday at an antique shop. Thankfully they were out of stock but they had a million tobacco tins!
"Just because the road stops, doesn't mean you have to!"
True Derelict
I just got to one for each day of the week! I've been putting quite a hurtin' on them this week, since the family has been away!
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rød hals
I've 7 pipes,,3 that I smoke,,,one I'm working on,,,,,my antique Meerchaum,,and a cheap molded meer that is more for show than smoking.I didn't forget a stubby little nose warmer that is currently plugged and I'll work on that after I'm done with the other.
“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present.”
― Bil Keane
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Bummin' Around
I vote to flag this thread! It is discriminating to me and all those who suffer from PAD. Shame on you. Tobias, take it down, I cannot handle this blasphemy!
...im so offended I think I'll go pipe shopping..
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Bummin' Around
But seriously...I don't think I'll be done buying pipes any time soon. I only have around 15 pipes and have been in the pipe game for around 4 or 5 years...I'd say I'm holding back my PAD pretty well.
Jumpin’ Railcars and Collectin' Cans
Yeah! No more pipes for me neither....unless you're selling.
I only have a couple anyways...like 1 or 3 or whatever...
I mean, we could all always use 1 more right?
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Bummin' Around
I decided that once I get to a certain point, I will require myself to sell one pipe for every pipe I buy. Please don't tell me how naive I am; let me live with my delusions for a little longer...
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