Suggestions for a Lakeland
On a few occasions, I have detected a slight floral taste / aroma from a few tobaccos.
As I understand, the essence of a Lakeland, having a rosy floral taste/aroma is similar, that I find intriguing.
I am looking for a good representation of a Lakeland or two to try.
Here are some I have considered:
Gawith Hoggarth & Co Ennerdale
Peterson Hyde Park
Gawith Hoggarth & Co, Bright Cr Flake
Samuel Gawith Grousemoor
I was also looking at the Gawith Hoggarth & Co Dark Flake, but maybe after I decide that it is something that I like.
Any others? What would you recommend I try?
What are your thoughts on Lakelands?
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Jumpin’ Railcars and Collectin' Cans
Gawith Hoggarth & Co Ennerdale is the almighty KING of lakelands.
Most of the GH&C blends have that lakeland funk.
I like
and use a cob cause it will ghost like a mofo.
Last edited by Shemp Jizzle; 02-04-2016 at 09:31 PM.
"It's like kale with balls"
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Ennerdale is the king, with 1792 Flake a close second if one considers it such.
Grousemoor is the gateway Lakeland, and quite lovely, IMO.
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Ridin' in a BoxCar
I smoke Samuel Gawith Grousemoor from time to time AND like it.
I can send you a taste if you are interested. LMK
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Waiting on Octember 1st
Bob's Chocolate Flake! A mild Lakeland and a bitchin' tobacco.
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Bummin' Around
Of the ones you mentioned Hyde Park is my favorite. I think that's a very underrated blend. Grousemoore is fun but not something I'd want to smoke a whole tin's worth.
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Bummin' Around
My recommendation not on your list...GQ's Swamp Flower is one of the finest tobacco's I've smoke with a lakeland/floral essence.
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Ruler Of The Galaxy
My 2 bits...
If you're looking for an unadulterated sample of that foul geranium rose perfume taste/smell I'd recommend against 1792 and Grousemoor. Why? Because I find the 'Lakeland essence' to be something nasty that I wish wasn't there... and I actually do like 1792 and Grousemoor from time to time. That would indicate (at least to me) that these are not good examples. I'd have to recommend Ennerdale if you really want to subject yourself and be blown away by this abomination. I've not even smoked it but every time I've complained about the offending scent someone has replied with something like "If you think that's bad, wait till you try Ennerdale!!!"
Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
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Lakeland Bum
St. Bruno has some of that Lakeland essence if you can get it where you are.
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Bummin' Around
Originally Posted by
Ennerdale is the king, with 1792 Flake a close second if one considers it such.
Grousemoor is the gateway Lakeland, and quite lovely, IMO.
Hell yeah, I love Ennerdale! Makes my day on these cold ass Chicago afternoons...
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