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  1. #2451
    True Derelict NeverBend's Avatar  Cigar Bum Sponsor
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    Good Morning

    Starting the morning of this glorious day with Wolfgang's Requiem as I sip some well oiled java and my Capitello Jonico I with it's belly full of Gawith Hoggarth Louisiana Flake.

    It's sweet again! Hail Wolfie!

  2. #2452
    Jumpin’ Railcars and Collectin' Cans JustTroItIn's Avatar  Cigar Bum Sponsor
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    MM965 in a no name apple making traffic a bit more bearable this morning.

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  4. #2453
    True Derelict NeverBend's Avatar  Cigar Bum Sponsor
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    Quote Originally Posted by JustTroItIn View Post
    MM965 in a no name apple making traffic a bit more bearable this morning.

    Jack, you're becoming my (at least) pipe photo journalist. I'm in there commuting with you. You take better pics driving in your car on your cell than I could with a whole Canon digital SLR do-up. Appreciate the excellent work.

    Still on the Louisiana Flake but planning ahead to:

    2015 Gawith Hoggarth Louisiana Flake in a Ser Jacopo (one of those boys). I'm already tempting fate but I'll change to some Joe Pass/Wes Montgomery to see if I've gotten (at least part) of my mojo back. Too much Mozart makes me think that I'm already in heaven (especially if my flake's smoking sweet) and Heaven Can Wait (Warren Beatty - Julie Christie).
    Last edited by NeverBend; 04-23-2015 at 08:24 AM.

  5. #2454
    Bummin' Around Basment_Shaman's Avatar
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    I went to Peterson University Flake with a Rhodesian A bit cool this morning May do some Trout fishing

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  7. #2455
    True Derelict NeverBend's Avatar  Cigar Bum Sponsor
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    Quote Originally Posted by Basment_Shaman View Post
    I went to Peterson University Flake with a Rhodesian A bit cool this morning May do some Trout fishing
    I used to have this idea of retiring at 50 to a hut on a pier in the South Pacific and taking my dingy out to fish for my breakfast every morning (maybe sashimi). Now I'm 60 and there's no hut, let alone water.

    I guess I'll have to contradict myself, Wes Montgomery it is but I misplaced the remaining half pound of Louisiana Flake I've been working from (duh - never did that before) and I'm ruminating on Shaman fishing (me by proxy) with some 2015 Gawith Hoggarth Balkan Mixture in a 1950s Comoy Extraordinaire sandblast saddle billiard.

  8. #2456
    Sotweed Bohemian freestoke's Avatar
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    For some reasoon, snowflakes the size of dinner napkins, falling from the sky in late April, remind me of Sir Patrick Stewart's tweet, "All I wanted to do was set up a new account with @TWCable_NYC but 36hrs later I've lost the will to live." Smoking some BBF and drinking lots of coffee to keep warm.

    Incidentally, I just thoroughly reamed my 4Dot, cleaned the stem, and generally shaped it up. Why do I manage to let my pipes get in such deplorable condition? They smoke so much better this way.
    Last edited by freestoke; 04-23-2015 at 10:27 AM.
    "Nothing in fine print is ever good news." — Andy Rooney

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  10. #2457
    Royal Bum JimInks's Avatar
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    Starting off my smoking day with Ogden’s Walnut in a straight sandblasted pre-transition Barling Exel 249 Fossil T.V.F. black billiard with a silver band and military bit. Have enough left for a bowl or so.

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  12. #2458
    True Derelict NeverBend's Avatar  Cigar Bum Sponsor
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    Quote Originally Posted by freestoke View Post
    For some reasoon, snowflakes the size of dinner napkins, falling from the sky in late April...Smoking some BBF and drinking lots of coffee to keep warm.

    Incidentally, I just thoroughly reamed my 4Dot, cleaned the stem, and generally shaped it up. Why do I manage to let my pipes get in such deplorable condition? They smoke so much better this way.
    Morning Jim,

    Sorry about the snowflakes, we're just getting the cold and not the precipitation. Careful what you say least some dazzling young entrepreneurial mind try to make self cleaning pipes.

    Quote Originally Posted by freestoke View Post
    "All I wanted to do was set up a new account with @TWCable_NYC but 36hrs later I've lost the will to live.".
    My friend changed providers to Verizon and the day afterwards, after a reboot, their Internet service was gone. They called. Then I gave them tips before they called. I called on their behalf and finally I went to my friends house and found that their settings had been changed. I called Verizon (again) and they denied having made any changes so I emailed Verizon with a cc to my attorney that they must have noticed because a competent tech called soon after. Yup, their bad, sorry, here's the correct settings. Would you believe that they gave me sh*t about getting a credit for the two weeks they went without service! (and of course that took an hour to get done).

    I found my Louisiana Flake but the raccoons got to it and there's 3oz missing and they peed in my ashtray, anti-social dorks. Had they asked, I'd have vacuum sealed some for them, but instead they'll run around sucking the LA flake for days (hmm, not a bad idea) but at least I'll be able to smell them coming. Good thing it wasn't Ennerdale or I'd have had to call FEMA (speaking of losing the will to live).

    2015 Gawith Hoggarth Balkan Mixture in a 1963 Barling #6106 sandblast taper billiard.

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  14. #2459
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    Quote Originally Posted by NeverBend View Post
    I used to have this idea of retiring at 50 to a hut on a pier in the South Pacific and taking my dingy out to fish for my breakfast every morning (maybe sashimi). Now I'm 60 and there's no hut, let alone water.

    I guess I'll have to contradict myself, Wes Montgomery it is but I misplaced the remaining half pound of Louisiana Flake I've been working from (duh - never did that before) and I'm ruminating on Shaman fishing (me by proxy) with some 2015 Gawith Hoggarth Balkan Mixture in a 1950s Comoy Extraordinaire sandblast saddle billiard.
    I'm sitting on the banks of the Provo river watching trout rise on the hatch, finishing a bowl before I tie an emerging Caddis on and start the spanking. And then I remember I'm at work, depending on Shaman to do my spanking for me. Did that sound weird? I think it did, a little.

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  16. #2460
    Jumpin’ Railcars and Collectin' Cans Pugsley's Avatar  Cigar Bum Sponsor
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    Just popped a fresh tin of FVF. Trying to decide on the appropriate pipe while a couple flakes are drying. Wanted to try out a nice little British made Wally Frank acorn I picked up on Ebay before I discovered that the draw produces a sound exactly like that of a penny whistle.

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