04-22-2015, 09:21 AM
Sotweed Bohemian
With the 4Dot clenched firmly, back straight, fingers at the keyboard, Royal Yacht a-burn, it's time for a rant! I am truly dismayed that the chemical lawn company ads have made it to TV big time. As HL Mencken observed, "No one in this world, so far as I know - and I have searched the records for years, and employed agents to help me - has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people." The ads in question want you to hire one of the little TruGreen lorries of death like the one that just passed my house, hurrying to kill things somewhere in the neighborhood. The appalling slogan written on the truck's panel and hawked in the ads is "Life is better lived outside." Sick Sick Sick. And the website is even worse -- little children playing in a sprinkler on the lawn, oblivious to the fact that they are busily absorbing more toxins than a month smoking cigars in a bar would provide. They'll see no robins or grackles in their yard again, because there will be nothing for them to eat. While the grubs and earthworms that remained alive in the ground immediately after treatment will be carried back to the nest if the season is right, and the nestlings will die. Any eggs the birds carried will be laid with shells to thin to survive incubation. It's a minor extinction even for local songbird populations. The only way these companies stay in business is by spending millions each year setting lawsuits with the proviso that the plaintiffs keep their mouths shut. Depressing.
On a lighter note, a funny tweet from Neil deGrasse Tyson: "If there is a cat Heaven, and if cat Heaven has mice for cats to chase, seems to me that cat Heaven must then be mice Hell."
"Nothing in fine print is ever good news." — Andy Rooney
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04-22-2015, 09:28 AM
Finished off a jar of Carter Hall this morning, making room for some ODF ready rubbed that is coming tomorrow. I ordered it with some of the Royal Yacht that is on sale 25% off.
04-22-2015, 09:33 AM
Sotweed Bohemian

Originally Posted by
Finished off a jar of Carter Hall this morning, making room for some ODF ready rubbed that is coming tomorrow. I ordered it with some of the Royal Yacht that is on sale 25% off.
Ready rubbed!? Might have to give that a go myself, Nick! I'm thinking about an order sometime in the near future and that might just be on it. Right now, I'm going to start working on emptying this can of Marlin Flake.
And more coffee! :cp
"Nothing in fine print is ever good news." — Andy Rooney
04-22-2015, 10:07 AM
True Derelict

Originally Posted by
With the 4Dot clenched firmly, back straight, fingers at the keyboard, Royal Yacht a-burn, it's time for a rant! I am truly dismayed that the chemical lawn company ads have made it to TV big time. As HL Mencken observed, "No one in this world, so far as I know - and I have searched the records for years, and employed agents to help me - has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people." The ads in question want you to hire one of the little TruGreen lorries of death like the one that just passed my house, hurrying to kill things somewhere in the neighborhood. The appalling slogan written on the truck's panel and hawked in the ads is "Life is better lived outside." Sick Sick Sick. And the website is even worse -- little children playing in a sprinkler on the lawn, oblivious to the fact that they are busily absorbing more toxins than a month smoking cigars in a bar would provide. They'll see no robins or grackles in their yard again, because there will be nothing for them to eat. While the grubs and earthworms that remained alive in the ground immediately after treatment will be carried back to the nest if the season is right, and the nestlings will die. Any eggs the birds carried will be laid with shells to thin to survive incubation. It's a minor extinction even for local songbird populations. The only way these companies stay in business is by spending millions each year setting lawsuits with the proviso that the plaintiffs keep their mouths shut. Depressing.
On a lighter note, a funny tweet from Neil deGrasse Tyson: "If there is a cat Heaven, and if cat Heaven has mice for cats to chase, seems to me that cat Heaven must then be mice Hell."
Morning Jim,
Thanks for your rant, well done. I've never give the subject the thought that you have but it also never seemed right and you've put that into words. I've been solicited many times by chemical lawn services but never considered them.
My musings of a similar note are when I see the refineries (Elizabeth NJ, Ashland KY) gleaming in the night like giant Christmas trees while they bellow waste into the atmosphere. Similarly the meat processing plants in Hammond, IL., etc. I used to go to Kentucky often, usually through West Virginia and I developed a soft spot for this under appreciated and beautiful state with kind people (other than that slug-nut at the Exxon station in Morgantown!). The Ashland KY refinery is right on the border between these two states and every time the toxic cloud it emitted dutifully wafted gracefully into West Virginia. A native explained that the location, the river and the cutting of trees was done specifically to insure the migration of the toxic mess - right into West Virginia. Damn if it isn't true.
So how many packs of cigarettes, cigars and pipes would it take to equal the poisons that are pumped out by a refinery in a day? Populations that don't think enslave themselves. OK, does that constitute a rant?
My lawn problems are myriad, soil erosion, poor drainage and especially the active diggers, raccoons and squirrels. Makes life interesting.
My cats heaven wouldn't necessarily have mice but it would have glass jars on high shelves waiting for a shove. Of course it could still be mice hell if they were on the floor below the falling jars.
2015 Gawith Hoggarth Louisiana Flake in a 1990 Ser Jacopo Gemma Fiammata taper billiard w/gold band.
The grey-head has been acquired and secured!
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04-22-2015, 11:26 AM

Originally Posted by
Ugly pipes that smoke have a way of becoming quite beautiful. Whoever advised you to give that Brigham a workout before passing it on sounds like a wise man.
The wisest guy I know, Pete. A true wise guy.
Nice rants to both you and Jim. I've been watching a mini doc series that brings up topics that are kind of similar to what you guys are ranting about this morning.
Been up for over 24 hours now. Time for a quick bowl of Dark Birdseye in a 2001 Peterson straight billiard before getting some shut eye.
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04-22-2015, 11:40 AM
Bummin' Around

Originally Posted by
With the 4Dot clenched firmly, back straight, fingers at the keyboard, Royal Yacht a-burn, it's time for a rant! I am truly dismayed that the chemical lawn company ads have made it to TV big time. As HL Mencken observed, "No one in this world, so far as I know - and I have searched the records for years, and employed agents to help me - has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people." The ads in question want you to hire one of the little TruGreen lorries of death like the one that just passed my house, hurrying to kill things somewhere in the neighborhood. The appalling slogan written on the truck's panel and hawked in the ads is "Life is better lived outside." Sick Sick Sick. And the website is even worse -- little children playing in a sprinkler on the lawn, oblivious to the fact that they are busily absorbing more toxins than a month smoking cigars in a bar would provide. They'll see no robins or grackles in their yard again, because there will be nothing for them to eat. While the grubs and earthworms that remained alive in the ground immediately after treatment will be carried back to the nest if the season is right, and the nestlings will die. Any eggs the birds carried will be laid with shells to thin to survive incubation. It's a minor extinction even for local songbird populations. The only way these companies stay in business is by spending millions each year setting lawsuits with the proviso that the plaintiffs keep their mouths shut. Depressing.
On a lighter note, a funny tweet from Neil deGrasse Tyson: "If there is a cat Heaven, and if cat Heaven has mice for cats to chase, seems to me that cat Heaven must then be mice Hell."
I live with well water and I may just go to my township and have these genocide lawn care companies banned. I already have cancer and don't need any extra toxins.I also live down wind from a nuclear power plant, less than 1/4 mile. It's some mirical I am still alive
In my pipe today is Five Brothers
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04-22-2015, 12:01 PM
Royal Bum
Lane Burley Light Without Bite in a 2015 Basil Meadows smooth slight bend tomato military mount with an aluminum accent, horn ferrule, and cumberland p-lip stem.
04-22-2015, 12:06 PM
rød hals
Pete, Jim
Having 22 years working in the pest control industry, I am somewhat familiar with the companies mentioned and the practices that usually end up
being setteled rather than going to court. My work was mainly household treatments such as roaches and termites,but I was licensed for lawns also.
I can honestly say the certification for lawns was the easiest one to acquire and the most dangerous to practice.The chemicles for stuctures are so
weak now I'm surprized that have a smell let alone kill anything.What you buy from walmart is just as strong.The chemicles for weeds though, now those
scare me.They have more carcinogens than a brain tumor.I will say that any chemicle when applied with forethought and care is highly beneficial and
needed.Unfortunatly that is usually not the case,these guys are in a hurry to get the workorders filled, they are quite often paid on a commision so
more work done means more pay.I refused any job on commision and several times walked away from jobs that would have endangered surrounding areas.
I stopped a termite job for half a day because the birds were feeding on the earthworms we dug up with our trenching.Needless to say, the key words are
FORETHOUGHT and CARE, These companies today are profit driven and dont have the time to properly train or supervise their workers. As to the refineries,
I am surrounded by oil refineries have no clue how that could improve short of better cheaper electric cars.
Now to our regularly scheduled smoking,,,,Sutliff Highlander in a DR Grabow Viscount straight.
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04-22-2015, 12:12 PM
True Derelict

Originally Posted by
The wisest guy I know, Pete. A true wise guy.
Nice rants to both you and Jim. I've been watching a mini doc series that brings up topics that are kind of similar to what you guys are ranting about this morning.
Been up for over 24 hours now. Time for a quick bowl of Dark Birdseye in a 2001 Peterson straight billiard before getting some shut eye.
Best way to handle an off shift is to get your sleep so no more replies until you have.
You're right, more of a wise guy than a wise man. I know him too.
2015 Gawith Hoggarth Balkan Mixture in a 1985 Ser Jacopo Renaissance #107 (rusticated) taper billiard.
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04-22-2015, 12:45 PM
Jumpin’ Railcars and Collectin' Cans
Three Nuns in a sandblasted straight Il Ceppo billiard.