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  1. #1731
    Don't listen to this guy! GWBowman's Avatar  Cigar Bum Sponsor
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    Quote Originally Posted by NeverBend View Post
    Hi Bryan,

    I'm so old school that we reviewed tobaccos as UGH or Ugh . Facial expression helped but not only was there no Internet, we'd yet to discover the sonic value of seashells. This is why I shouldn't review tobaccos but I did an impromptu review of Peter Stokkebye Luxury Navy Flake and the gist of my comments was that it was well made but ugh :/. I've changed my opinion of that tobacco as well as the other PS flakes.

    The three Peter Stokkebye flakes that I've tried are Luxury Navy, Bulls Eye and Luxury Twist. I now have a few pounds of the first two and a few ounces of the Twist. All are well made. All are well behaved and consistent smokes. They're subtle, smooth and burn well. Not big flavor and lots of nuance but tasty and a an excellent deviation from more aggressive fare. All are very good values and you can buy them for under $2.00/oz and that makes them solid values. Pipes & Cigars is the cheapest but it appears that they're repackaging bulk so there will be broken flakes (not a problem for me) while 4Noggins was more expensive but less broken on arrival.

    When I was new school, I liked to hunt with a bowl and my sabre tooth comrade, Blurg, and these type of flakes were very popular. This Stokkebye trio are worthy successors to those tobaccos that people now pay small fortunes for little tins. I have no idea how it ages. Ugh .

    I don't understand you saying you shouldn't review. If I were a blender, I would be asking to quote you in ads. Like Bryan, my "must try" list gets longer almost every time i log on.
    Happy as if I had good sense.

    “Life is filled with glorious opportunities brilliantly disguised as insoluble problems.” Jerry Falwell

    formerly gtechva

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  3. #1732
    Royal Bum JimInks's Avatar
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    Fire Storm in a post WW2 Pre-Republic Peterson Dublin straight smooth X155 Bulldog with a sterling silver band.

  4. #1733
    True Derelict NeverBend's Avatar  Cigar Bum Sponsor
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    Quote Originally Posted by GWBowman View Post

    I don't understand you saying you shouldn't review. If I were a blender, I would be asking to quote you in ads. Like Bryan, my "must try" list gets longer almost every time i log on.
    Hi George,

    Tobacco leaf has changed and I lament some fabulous leaf that's no longer available just as I do the extinction of the saw-billed sea slug (they were so delicious!). Ugh!

    Tobacco reviews are better today than they've been in the past, detailing flavors and nuance in far more detail. I do get a kick out of the third reporting (first third smoked this way, second etc.) because those changes should be subtle and gradual but if those changes are as dramatic as often claimed then it suggests fault in product or smoker but overall the reviews are better and more useful and vivid.

    Thanks for the kind words but I feel that @JimInks writes excellent and, perhaps most importantly, consistent reviews. Some flavors and scents can be difficult to isolate but a consistent reviewer creates a standard that may have differences from your own perception but that can be a good guideline.

    @Branzig humiliated me into doing a review of Mixture #12 and I will keep my word on it. I'll try to uphold your faith in me George but I can't take too much time to write that review because I'm looking for something to eat now that there are no more saw-billed sea slugs. ugh

    I was gong to smoke:
    823,122 BC Pootai Oogoo leaf Flake in a 226,892 BC Ugler-Ramshorn-Dix Ramshorn Snail Shell sandblasted horn.
    This is some VERY aged flake! Still tastes like eohippus dung.

    2015 Gawith Hoggarth Glengarry Flake in a 1961 Barling's Make #5179 smooth saddle billiard.
    Ah! That's better.
    Last edited by NeverBend; 03-31-2015 at 12:28 PM.

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  6. #1734
    Lonely Wandering Bum Madbricky's Avatar  Cigar Bum Sponsor
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    Quote Originally Posted by NeverBend View Post
    Hi Bryan,

    I'm so old school that we reviewed tobaccos as UGH or Ugh . Facial expression helped but not only was there no Internet, we'd yet to discover the sonic value of seashells. This is why I shouldn't review tobaccos but I did an impromptu review of Peter Stokkebye Luxury Navy Flake and the gist of my comments was that it was well made but ugh :/. I've changed my opinion of that tobacco as well as the other PS flakes.

    The three Peter Stokkebye flakes that I've tried are Luxury Navy, Bulls Eye and Luxury Twist. I now have a few pounds of the first two and a few ounces of the Twist. All are well made. All are well behaved and consistent smokes. They're subtle, smooth and burn well. Not big flavor and lots of nuance but tasty and a an excellent deviation from more aggressive fare. All are very good values and you can buy them for under $2.00/oz and that makes them solid values. Pipes & Cigars is the cheapest but it appears that they're repackaging bulk so there will be broken flakes (not a problem for me) while 4Noggins was more expensive but less broken on arrival.

    When I was new school, I liked to hunt with a bowl and my sabre tooth comrade, Blurg, and these type of flakes were very popular. This Stokkebye trio are worthy successors to those tobaccos that people now pay small fortunes for little tins. I have no idea how it ages. Ugh .
    Do yourself a flavor favor and order 1.5 lb bulk and that's all I'm saying on the public side. PM me if you want to know why to order that specific amount. If you read this and know of what I'm speaking about please don't say in public and ruin the surprise.

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  8. #1735
    Royal Bum JimInks's Avatar
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    Arcadian Perique in my trusty 1970s smooth three quarter bend Peterson System Standard 305.

  9. #1736
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    Jim's Half Va., Half Burley w/Per in a 2003 medium bent straight grain Two dot 2 P. Ardor Venere Extra Bucaneve with a silver ferrule signed by Dorelio Rovera.

  10. #1737
    Sotweed Bohemian freestoke's Avatar
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    Feeling rejected at the moment. I proposed a contest on the golf thread and nobody even wants to play. Free Luxury Twist Flake if anybody else is interest. You don't have to be a golfer to enter, of course.


    Having a quick cob of PA and off to the oche!
    "Nothing in fine print is ever good news." — Andy Rooney

  11. #1738
    True Derelict NeverBend's Avatar  Cigar Bum Sponsor
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    2014 Louisiana Flake in a 1950s Barling's Make Ye Olde Wood EL smooth saddle billiard.

    37 degrees and raining and snow possible this evening. Bummer.

  12. #1739
    Waiting on Octember 1st  Cigar Bum Sponsor
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    Orlik Club Mixture in a Dr. Grabow Half and Half

  13. #1740
    Royal Bum JimInks's Avatar
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    Now smoking Wessex Red Flake in a 2002 black sandblast full bend D.R. Ardor Urano Fatta A Mano with a slightly tapered far side of the bowl. I've enough for one more bowl.

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