06-15-2019, 10:28 AM
Advisor to Bum Wanabees
Puffing Gordon Pym (Dan Tobacco) in my Kirsten. This unusual English mixture is quite tasty. Also a bit fluffy — 1.7g is the most that’ll comfortably fit into my Kirsten, compared to 2.1g for most tobaccos.
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06-15-2019, 10:31 AM
Custom User Title
Soo Blend in a cheap briar.
"Soo" is short for Sault Ste. Marie, in northeastern Michigan. It's sold by Austin's, which is a furniture/consignment/flea market/anything to make a buck in a small town store which has a humidor and reasonable selection of pipe tobaccos in back.
Soo Blend is your basic whiskey cavendish aro, nothing special. I just got it bcs of the name
You oughta know not to stand by the window, somebody see you up there.
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06-17-2019, 07:33 PM
Indeed so Most indeededly
Enjoying some Molto Dolce in the Mr Brog churchwarden

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
"If we never did anything we shouldn't, we'd never feel good about the things we should."
"I wish there was a way to know you're in the good old days, before you've actually left them."
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06-17-2019, 10:12 PM
Royal Bum
Having some Peterson Irish Flake in my new Peterson Rocky Donegal.
Check out my Youtube channel, Razorback Piper Guy if you like that sort of thing.
If heaven has no cigars, I shall not go there. - Mark Twain
It has been my experience that folks who have no vices, have very few virtues. - Abraham Lincoln
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06-18-2019, 06:45 PM
Full-on Scraggly Bum
Hilands Pete's Moss in the Grabow Color Duke
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06-19-2019, 02:20 PM
Advisor to Bum Wanabees
I opened a 4 yo tin of F&T Vintage a couple of days ago — puffing that now in my Radice Rhodesian. For some reason this pipe leaves pipe cleaners significantly cleaner than any of my other conventional briars. Don’t need any pipe cleaners at all while smoking my metal-stem Kirsten.
Lunch featured King Oscar “Tiny Tots” bristling sardines on German-baked pumpernickel, with Thumann’s “Düsseldorf” mustard, raw onion, and lots of black pepper. And tomato basil soup. All good!
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06-21-2019, 07:53 AM
Advisor to Bum Wanabees
I received ten 100g tins of Solani 660, Silver Flake from SmokingPipes yesterday. I now have 18 unopened tins in stock, and a little bit more in a jar. I’m well provisioned! Puffing 660 now in my Tinsky billiard. Superb tobacco.
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06-23-2019, 12:04 PM
Advisor to Bum Wanabees
Puffing Solani 656, Aged Burley Flake in my Kirsten. I don’t smoke a lot of ABF, but sometimes I just crave it. Lots of flavor, and a radically different flavor than my Virginias.
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06-24-2019, 12:22 PM
Advisor to Bum Wanabees
Puffing a 50/50 mixture of two F&T tobaccos: Blackjack and Vintage. The unflavored BJ counters the strongly flavored Vintage, and the mild Vintage counters the zippy BJ. A successful experiment.
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06-25-2019, 05:37 PM
Ruler Of The Galaxy
Last edited by Emperor Zurg; 06-26-2019 at 02:13 PM.
Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
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