• What Did You Smoke Today? (Pipe Edition)
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  1. #16791
    Jumpin’ Railcars and Collectin' Cans Pugsley's Avatar  Cigar Bum Sponsor
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    I did something tonight that I never do, smoked the same pipe with the same tobacco as the night before. Now, I own a lot of pipes, and I've smoked a lot of pipes that I no longer own. Some of them were cheap machine made pipes turned out by the hundreds, some were fine handcrafted examples of the best of the pipe maker's art. None of them, however, have given me the pleasures that I experience with this one. John Bessai's pipes are notoriously difficult to date but indications are that this one was crafted in the late thirties when the storm clouds of war were gathering over Europe. He worked alone in his shop in Cleveland, carving pipes between customers. Most of them were marked simply with his name on the shank and his initials on the stem. Some that he was particularly pleased with would bear the the mark "Special", and the best of those would be "Special X." I am lucky enough to own a Special X. It's not a physically attractive pipe and has noticeable fills and when smoking it I often wonder what he knew that I don't. I wonder if, as he turned the finished pipe over in his hands, he ever thought that here is a pipe someone will still be enjoying 80 years from now. I wish I could tell him of the pleasure his pipe has given me.

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  3. #16792
    Advisor to Bum Wanabees Pipe Smoker's Avatar
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    Puffing Hamborger Veermaster in my newish Luciano squat bulldog (which is pretty well broken-in now). This HV is a fine tobacco indeed -- mild and tasty.

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  5. #16793
    Lonely Wandering Bum Tony78's Avatar
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    What Did You Smoke Today? (Pipe Edition)

    Quote Originally Posted by Cool Breeze View Post
    Man, I cannot tell you how happy I am to see you posting on here. And very, very happy to hear that your wife is on the road to recovery.

    For those who do not know, Tony is the one who got me started on the piping road a couple years ago in the Newbie Sampler Trade. Two and a half years later, I am enjoying the pipe more than ever, thanks to Tony. Several of the blends he introduced me to are in my regular rotation now.

    Damn it's good to see you back man.
    I’m glad you stuck with it. I’ve started watching your YouTube videos. The one with the 5# of aromatic tobacco cracked me up.

    I haven’t popped any tins in a really long time b/c I had so much in jars. I’m going to go look up the tin you sent me in that trade. It’s been aging since I got it - I’ll send you half and we can smoke it together.

    Edit - I still have the original message exchange in my inbox. Looks like you sent me a Frog Morton Cellar. I KNOW that hasn’t been opened. Do you still live at the same address?
    Last edited by Tony78; 11-04-2017 at 03:49 PM.

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  7. #16794
    Royal Bum Cool Breeze's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tony78 View Post
    I’m glad you stuck with it. I’ve started watching your YouTube videos. The one with the 5# of aromatic tobacco cracked me up.

    Edit - I still have the original message exchange in my inbox. Looks like you sent me a Frog Morton Cellar. I KNOW that hasn’t been opened. Do you still live at the same address?
    Man that's awesome. Yeah, that 5# of aromatic tobacco is still in jars. The way I smoke aromatics (hardly ever), it will last a lifetime.

    I do still live at the same addy. That would be very cool.
    Check out my Youtube channel, Razorback Piper Guy if you like that sort of thing.

    If heaven has no cigars, I shall not go there. - Mark Twain

    It has been my experience that folks who have no vices, have very few virtues. - Abraham Lincoln

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  9. #16795
    rød hals Lostmason's Avatar  Cigar Bum Sponsor
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    Peterson's Sunset Breeze in an Ol-Vic.

    The cabins I work at there is a young man (25-30) who is interested
    pipes.The other day his wife bought him a pipe from a local "Smoke
    Shop".it's a $10 chineese job with a metal insert in the bowl.I certainly
    don't want to discourage him,so I've put together a few samples to take him.
    Trying to decide if I should take him another pipe.I have a spare cob and could
    find a DG hiding around here.I want him to learn before he fires off with a true
    "Legacy" briar.That and I'ld be pissed to find out the pipe was just taking space
    in a drawer.What's your opinions,please.
    “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present.”
    ― Bil Keane

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  11. #16796
    Ruler Of The Galaxy Emperor Zurg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lostmason View Post
    The cabins I work at there is a young man (25-30) who is interested
    pipes.The other day his wife bought him a pipe from a local "Smoke
    Shop".it's a $10 chineese job with a metal insert in the bowl.I certainly
    don't want to discourage him,so I've put together a few samples to take him.
    Trying to decide if I should take him another pipe.I have a spare cob and could
    find a DG hiding around here.I want him to learn before he fires off with a true
    "Legacy" briar.That and I'ld be pissed to find out the pipe was just taking space
    in a drawer.What's your opinions,please.
    I would bring him a few tobacco samples if he's up for it but I'd let him flounder along with the cheap pipe his wife got him unless or until he starts bitching about how it smokes. If he's serious about pipe smoking, he'll start asking questions if he can't get it right. If he's not serious about it, he'll give up soon anyway and toss the pipe in a drawer even if it's a Dunhill. I make it a habit not to offer my help to relative strangers unless they ask for it.

    Solani 656 ABF in a bent sandblast. This is pretty good for a burley but burleys are generally not my thing. Unless I'm REALLY in the mood (which tonight I'm not apparently) they all taste like they contain a percentage of old cardboard. Mmmmmm... cardboard
    Last edited by Emperor Zurg; 11-04-2017 at 10:23 PM.
    Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

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  13. #16797
    rød hals Lostmason's Avatar  Cigar Bum Sponsor
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    Quote Originally Posted by Emperor Zurg View Post
    I would bring him a few tobacco samples if he's up for it but I'd let him flounder along with the cheap pipe his wife got him unless or until he starts bitching about how it smokes. If he's serious about pipe smoking, he'll start asking questions if he can't get it right. If he's not serious about it, he'll give up soon anyway and toss the pipe in a drawer even if it's a Dunhill. I make it a habit not to offer my help to relative strangers unless they ask for it.
    That's kinda where I'm at.This kid is one of those "yuppie"lil go getters that ya just wana slap.
    But he's interested in the pipe and that may open others to keeping our hobby going.So,I've some
    aro samples to take him,and a Va/Bur.Nothing fancy but an introduction.I have to work around
    him,otherwise I'ld just ignore the lil snip.Ah well,my son has learned the art and he's alot like
    me in that he pulls out his pipe and baccy and that's his "Me" time.

    Starting the day with CB original in my DG Savoy.
    “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present.”
    ― Bil Keane

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  15. #16798
    True Derelict NeverBend's Avatar  Cigar Bum Sponsor
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tony78 View Post
    Thank you kind sir. Wife’s cancer came back in 2015 but recent good news after many rounds of chemo it’s gone (and hopefully will stay away this time). Sprinkle in 5 & 6 year old boys who have discovered travel sports + other activities and my free time went to 0.

    It’s good to be back.
    Hi Tony,

    Wishing your wife continued health and your family the best. Please convey my kudos to your missus for her strength.


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  17. #16799
    Ruler Of The Galaxy Emperor Zurg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lostmason View Post
    That's kinda where I'm at.This kid is one of those "yuppie"lil go getters that ya just wana slap.
    Wait a minute... yuppie? Pipe? Irrepressible urge to slap??? Are you dealing with a hipster here?!?
    Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

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  19. #16800
    True Derelict NeverBend's Avatar  Cigar Bum Sponsor
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lostmason View Post
    That's kinda where I'm at.This kid is one of those "yuppie"lil go getters that ya just wana slap.
    But he's interested in the pipe and that may open others to keeping our hobby going.So,I've some
    aro samples to take him,and a Va/Bur.Nothing fancy but an introduction.I have to work around
    him,otherwise I'ld just ignore the lil snip.Ah well,my son has learned the art and he's alot like
    me in that he pulls out his pipe and baccy and that's his "Me" time.

    Starting the day with CB original in my DG Savoy.
    Hi Matt,

    You and @Emperorzurg seem to have sussed it out. Rather than give him a pipe perhaps let him know that if he enjoys his pipe then he might really enjoy a better pipe.

    This way you don't need to slap him twice if he puts your pipe in a drawer.

    I'm supposed to vacuum the McClelland VA flakes from P&C that someone kindly alerted regarding their excellent sale last month but I keep making excuses (to myself) about needing to sample more before I store it. Same old inner-dialogue. Much easier to bag and forget the ones that don't taste good.

    Have loaded and will smoke (when my cigar is done) on a mild but overcast morning

    McClelland #2010 in a 1940s Barling #251 Ye Olde Wood smooth taper billiard. Today's a 2-cup coffee day.

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