08-10-2017, 09:13 AM
rød hals
Sitting here,just fired up the Savoy with CB original,and my
driveway alarm chimes at me.Turns out to be Whitetail Deer
moving thru the yard.A 4 point buck, and spike buck,two
doe and a spotted fawn.They passed up within twenty feet
of my window.The 4 point still has velvet on his rack.
So with this in mind I will be smoking some "Country
Gentleman" in my Friar next and follow that with "Great Outdoors"
in my Randy Wiley Rhodesian.Turning into a real Good Day !
“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present.”
― Bil Keane
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08-10-2017, 10:58 AM
Ruler Of The Galaxy

Originally Posted by
Sitting here,just fired up the Savoy with CB original...
After yesterday's ordeal I figured you'd avoid strenuous activity.
...like getting out of bed
Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
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08-10-2017, 03:37 PM
Advisor to Bum Wanabees
Puffing Wessex Classic Virginia. This stuff is misnamed -- it's actually red Virginia and Perique. Quite good, I think.
I was at the pistol range yesterday with my neighbor, so will clean my .22 LR Beretta 87 Target after I finish this bowl.
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08-10-2017, 07:44 PM
Lucky Bum

Originally Posted by
Pipe Smoker
Puffing Wessex Classic Virginia. This stuff is misnamed -- it's actually red Virginia and Perique. Quite good, I think.
I was at the pistol range yesterday with my neighbor, so will clean my .22 LR Beretta 87 Target after I finish this bowl.
Always liked the .22's the most. Nice tight groups!
Don’t wait for the storm to pass. Learn to dance in the rain.
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08-10-2017, 08:31 PM
Custom User Title
Having a cheap briar filled with Dan Tobacco Sweet Vanilla Honeydew. I wouldn't normally choose this blend as:
- it's an aro
- it has a wimpy name
has not reviewed it on tobaccoreviews.com
But it was a big part of my share of
@Tobias Lutz
's tobacco liquidation, and it's actually not too bad!
You oughta know not to stand by the window, somebody see you up there.
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08-10-2017, 09:32 PM
rød hals

Originally Posted by
Emperor Zurg
After yesterday's ordeal I figured you'd avoid strenuous activity.
...like getting out of bed

Had no choice,had work to do and had to go to my MIL's.So the deer were the highlight
of my day,,,,well after the smoke that is.
“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present.”
― Bil Keane
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08-10-2017, 10:29 PM
Royal Bum
Had a bowl of McClelland 40th Anniversary earlier in a standing Savinelli 114KS.
Now I'm having some HH Old Dark Fired in my pre-Republic Peterson Shamrock.
Check out my Youtube channel, Razorback Piper Guy if you like that sort of thing.
If heaven has no cigars, I shall not go there. - Mark Twain
It has been my experience that folks who have no vices, have very few virtues. - Abraham Lincoln
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08-11-2017, 04:55 PM
rød hals
Started my pipe smoking today with a bowlo of FM Cellar in my Ol-Vic.
Course this was after about two hours of drinking coffee this morning.
Took a pouch of CB original with me to work and snuck in a smoke with a
no-name Billiard.Back here at my desk my Ol-vic and FMC are right at hand
so I'm going with a repeat performance.
“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present.”
― Bil Keane
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08-11-2017, 07:53 PM
Don't listen to this guy!
H&H Marquee Fusilier's Ration in a MM Patriot
I'm not an aro person, but that Dan Tobacco Sweet Vanilla Honeydew is tasty
Happy as if I had good sense.
“Life is filled with glorious opportunities brilliantly disguised as insoluble problems.” Jerry Falwell
formerly gtechva
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08-12-2017, 07:50 AM
Ruler Of The Galaxy
Had a bowl of G&H, Rum Flake last night in a short Baraccini 'old Shenandoah' stack poker.
FWIW, I figured out how to smoke this pipe (another rather satisfying accomplishment reserved only for pipe smoking... nobody ever had to 'figure out' how to smoke a cigar, once you get the hang of it in general... but I digress). The bowl is way too deep to just load up to the top. Too long a smoke for me and the pipe doesn't smoke dry enough for that. Trick is to start with a musketball as it has plenty of room for a huge air gap at the bottom. It's the ideal chamber for musketballing. Smokes beautifully that way even with pretty moist tobacco and finishes dry at the bottom. Another pipe conquered. Time to start shopping for a new one!
Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
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