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  1. #16021
    Ruler Of The Galaxy Emperor Zurg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pugsley View Post
    ...even my favorite tobaccos just aren't doing it for me lately... Anyone else ever experience anything like this?
    I get it pretty reliably if I go off on a tangent and smoke too much (i.e. deer season). Cure seem to be to just lay off tobacco for a couple weeks and allow your palate to reset. For a milder case of the blahs I'll switch to a totally different genre that I like but don't smoke often, like G&H ropes and twists. However, for a full blown case, laying off seems to be the only cure.

    Tried another bowl of SG, Sam's Flake last night. Still pretty 'meh' but who knows, it might eventually grow on me
    Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

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    True Derelict BryGuySC's Avatar  Cigar Bum Sponsor
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pugsley View Post
    Smoking a bowl of SPC Mississippi River in a Sydney P. Ram bulldog. I love this blend but something is wrong here, I'm just not enjoying it. It's not just this blend or this pipe either, even my favorite tobaccos just aren't doing it for me lately. Either the love is gone or all my pipes are so in need of cleaning that everything tastes like crap. I hope it's not the former but I have doubts that it's the latter since many of my pipes have only been used a couple of times since they were last cleaned. Anyone else ever experience anything like this?
    Yep! I get burnt out on favorites every once and a while.
    I just jar it up, and leave it until it really calls to me again.
    There are a few for which I have lost some of my love, but we are still good friends; and I'd not want to be totally without them.

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  5. #16023
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    I occasionally have days when no tobacco tastes really good. Fortunately, those days are rare.

    Today, I'm alternating fills of Dunhill Flake and Solani ABF, and both are going down great.
    Last edited by Pipe Smoker; 05-03-2017 at 11:43 AM.

  6. #16024
    Lucky Bum AlanS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Emperor Zurg View Post
    I get it pretty reliably if I go off on a tangent and smoke too much (i.e. deer season). Cure seem to be to just lay off tobacco for a couple weeks and allow your palate to reset. For a milder case of the blahs I'll switch to a totally different genre that I like but don't smoke often, like G&H ropes and twists. However, for a full blown case, laying off seems to be the only cure.

    Tried another bowl of SG, Sam's Flake last night. Still pretty 'meh' but who knows, it might eventually grow on me
    Now chew on that for a while!
    Don’t wait for the storm to pass. Learn to dance in the rain.

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  8. #16025
    Ruler Of The Galaxy Emperor Zurg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlanS View Post
    Now chew on that for a while!
    Yes. Sometimes a chew is in order too... just don't chew 1792 flake. Nasty!
    Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

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  10. #16026
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    My tin of Solani ABF was nearly empty, so I added enough DF for a full fill. About 50/50. It's delicious!

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  12. #16027
    Lakeland Bum Haebar's Avatar  Cigar Bum Sponsor
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pugsley View Post
    Smoking a bowl of SPC Mississippi River in a Sydney P. Ram bulldog. I love this blend but something is wrong here, I'm just not enjoying it. It's not just this blend or this pipe either, even my favorite tobaccos just aren't doing it for me lately. Either the love is gone or all my pipes are so in need of cleaning that everything tastes like crap. I hope it's not the former but I have doubts that it's the latter since many of my pipes have only been used a couple of times since they were last cleaned. Anyone else ever experience anything like this?
    I experienced that many times over the years. Sometimes you need to reboot your system; just put the pipe down for a while. Sometimes I go totally tobacco free for a day or more and can't believe how good it is to light up a pipe again.

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  14. #16028
    Lakeland Bum Haebar's Avatar  Cigar Bum Sponsor
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    Just got back from a mini-vacation to middle Tennessee where we toured the George Dickel and Jack Daniels distilleries. Learned a lot yesterday and had a good time with my brother and his card-playing friend. Drying out some G&H Scotch Flake to smoke in this Dr. Grabow Royal Duke.

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    My tin of ABF went empty this morning, so I'm now puffing a fill of Fribourg & Treyer Cut Virginia Plug from a just-opened tin. Of all the tobaccos that can be described as lightly topped straight Virginia, this one is my favorite. I've not seen it mentioned by any other member, so I'll say a few words about it.

    The two neat stacks of rectangular flakes are very pretty -- light brown, with even lighter and darker bits. And wonderful aroma too. Mild, but rich, flavor -- some from the tobacco, some from the topping. Very nice room note too -- even non-smokers like it. Nicotine content is about average.

    The only problem with this tobacco is that its status at SmokingPipes is nearly always "Currently Out of Stock". But I have 61 tins of CVP in my stock. I plan ahead...

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  18. #16030
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruck View Post
    Had a few more cobfuls of Haebar VaPer over the course of the day. Helped ease my troubled mind - I took the day off to drop a very large dead tree, but had a few problems. First the danged thing wanted to fall the wrong way, toward the deck/house, and meanwhile trapped the bar of my saw. So I put a rope on it and persuaded it to fall in the right direction, more or less, with a ratchet strap aka come-along. After a round or two of axing and tugging, it started to fall but came to rest against another tall tree, and the saw is still trapped. At least it's stable now. I called a professional to take a look at it tomorrow. Hope he doesn't skin me alive

    While the tree was still standing precariously, a lady walking her dog on the trail adjacent to our yard and wanted to chat (a guy working in the yard always wants to chat, doesn't he?). I strongly suggested that she move along and get out of the tree's radius, and it took a few tries with increasing vehemence. Now she probably thinks I'm an unfriendly jerk, oh well, could be worse
    Tell her to be like a tree and leave...or is that leaf. Or just try yelling......GIT...
    Like my father before me, I will work the land,
    And like my brother before me, I took a rebel stand.

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