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  1. #16001
    Custom User Title Bruck's Avatar  Cigar Bum Sponsor
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    Had a few more cobfuls of Haebar VaPer over the course of the day. Helped ease my troubled mind - I took the day off to drop a very large dead tree, but had a few problems. First the danged thing wanted to fall the wrong way, toward the deck/house, and meanwhile trapped the bar of my saw. So I put a rope on it and persuaded it to fall in the right direction, more or less, with a ratchet strap aka come-along. After a round or two of axing and tugging, it started to fall but came to rest against another tall tree, and the saw is still trapped. At least it's stable now. I called a professional to take a look at it tomorrow. Hope he doesn't skin me alive

    While the tree was still standing precariously, a lady walking her dog on the trail adjacent to our yard and wanted to chat (a guy working in the yard always wants to chat, doesn't he?). I strongly suggested that she move along and get out of the tree's radius, and it took a few tries with increasing vehemence. Now she probably thinks I'm an unfriendly jerk, oh well, could be worse
    You oughta know not to stand by the window, somebody see you up there.

  2. #16002
    Lakeland Bum Haebar's Avatar  Cigar Bum Sponsor
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruck View Post
    Had a few more cobfuls of Haebar VaPer over the course of the day. Helped ease my troubled mind - I took the day off to drop a very large dead tree, but had a few problems. First the danged thing wanted to fall the wrong way, toward the deck/house, and meanwhile trapped the bar of my saw. So I put a rope on it and persuaded it to fall in the right direction, more or less, with a ratchet strap aka come-along. After a round or two of axing and tugging, it started to fall but came to rest against another tall tree, and the saw is still trapped. At least it's stable now. I called a professional to take a look at it tomorrow. Hope he doesn't skin me alive

    While the tree was still standing precariously, a lady walking her dog on the trail adjacent to our yard and wanted to chat (a guy working in the yard always wants to chat, doesn't he?). I strongly suggested that she move along and get out of the tree's radius, and it took a few tries with increasing vehemence. Now she probably thinks I'm an unfriendly jerk, oh well, could be worse
    What a day you had! I hate to get a chainsaw jammed.

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  4. #16003
    rød hals Lostmason's Avatar  Cigar Bum Sponsor
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruck View Post
    Had a few more cobfuls of Haebar VaPer over the course of the day. Helped ease my troubled mind - I took the day off to drop a very large dead tree, but had a few problems. First the danged thing wanted to fall the wrong way, toward the deck/house, and meanwhile trapped the bar of my saw. So I put a rope on it and persuaded it to fall in the right direction, more or less, with a ratchet strap aka come-along. After a round or two of axing and tugging, it started to fall but came to rest against another tall tree, and the saw is still trapped. At least it's stable now. I called a professional to take a look at it tomorrow. Hope he doesn't skin me alive

    While the tree was still standing precariously, a lady walking her dog on the trail adjacent to our yard and wanted to chat (a guy working in the yard always wants to chat, doesn't he?). I strongly suggested that she move along and get out of the tree's radius, and it took a few tries with increasing vehemence. Now she probably thinks I'm an unfriendly jerk, oh well, could be worse
    Feel for ya brother, I dropped three today.I learned long ago to cut at a downward angle towards where I want the tree
    to fall.I can always go back and straight cut for a flat top stump.Also helps to blow on the trunk while cutting,ya know
    get a wind going.Anywhose,I gonna go burn a small crop of virginias in a cob.If that old broad and her doggy think yer
    a jerk,take it as a compliment.My wife branded me an A$$hole about a week after we got married,25 years ago.
    “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present.”
    ― Bil Keane

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  6. #16004
    Consummate Pipe Bum cpmcdill's Avatar
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    Lane BL/WB in a MM cob
    "I don't know anything about music. In my line of work you don't have to." -- Elvis Presley

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  8. #16005
    Lakeland Bum Haebar's Avatar  Cigar Bum Sponsor
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    Last night I got into a couple of bowls of GH Sweet Whisky Twist in various pipes. Very full bodied aromatic with very subtle, almost imperceptible, flavorings. I enjoyed this immensely but had a little trouble keeping it lit. Put it in the blender and pulsed it a few times to get a consistent cut and then let it air for a few hours and it stayed lit considerably better.

  9. #16006
    True Derelict BryGuySC's Avatar  Cigar Bum Sponsor
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    Had an unproductive day working on the bike.
    At least I got to smoke.
    SG Best Brown Flake
    BryGuy's English Cake #2
    BryGuy's Shelf Vaper Cake
    McClelland 2010 Classic Virginia

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  11. #16007
    Advisor to Bum Wanabees Pipe Smoker's Avatar
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    Four fills, four tobaccos:

    Dunhill Flake.
    Solani ABF.
    Long age FVF.
    Wessex Classic Virginia.

    All delicious!

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  13. #16008
    Lakeland Bum Haebar's Avatar  Cigar Bum Sponsor
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    I've been smokeless for almost 36 hours. Girlfriend came over yesterday feeling sick so I took her to the clinic where they diagnosed strep throat. Since her mother is an elderly, cancer survivor with a compromised immune system, she quarantined herself at my house until the antibiotics had a chance to get in her system and make her non-contagious. She's gone now and I'm about to fire up a bowl of G&H Scotch Flake that I have been rehydrating over the last couple of days. When I got this flake in the mail it was loosely wrapped in some cellophane - no zip-lock bag to keep it from drying out. Hopefully it hasn't lost any flavor as a result. Going to smoke it in this Sunrise billiard:

  14. #16009
    Lakeland Bum Haebar's Avatar  Cigar Bum Sponsor
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    About to fire up a bowl of G&H Curly Cut in this old over-buffed Dunhill. You can barely see the nomenclature on it but it still has the original stem with an ivory dot.

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  16. #16010
    Royal Bum Cool Breeze's Avatar
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    Haven't had any of this pure Virginia deliciousness in a few weeks now. I've been trying to smoke up a few opened tins of other stuff before cracking open anything new, but couldn't help myself this afternoon. I missed it too much. I am not regretting my decision.

    Last edited by Cool Breeze; 04-30-2017 at 07:57 PM.
    Check out my Youtube channel, Razorback Piper Guy if you like that sort of thing.

    If heaven has no cigars, I shall not go there. - Mark Twain

    It has been my experience that folks who have no vices, have very few virtues. - Abraham Lincoln

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