02-10-2017, 06:49 PM
Ruler Of The Galaxy

Originally Posted by
Yea, this cherry aromatic "Hunt for Cherry" has very little nicotine; to me undetectable. If I'm going to smoke, the smoke had better contain some nicotine, or it's not worth smoking.
I don't mind having no nicotine. Having never been a cigarette smoker, I'm not a big fan of the effects of nicotine. What I don't like about most aromatics (especially Cavendish based ones) is the thin, weak flavor with absolutely no body to it whatsoever. Nothing like a powerful Virginia to fill them out. Apparently a powerful burley works too. Those strong blends seem to have flavor in spades for some reason. I bet the nutty burley goes quite nice with cherry. I know always like a little almond extract in a cherry pie.
Got a nice wood stove fire started in the barn. I'm thinking maybe a Grand Oriental of some kind tonight.
Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
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02-10-2017, 07:11 PM
Royal Bum
Some PS Luxury Twist Flake in a DH2 bent....
Like my father before me, I will work the land,
And like my brother before me, I took a rebel stand.
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02-10-2017, 07:46 PM
rød hals
Peterson Sunset Breeze with a cuppa Folgers.
“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present.”
― Bil Keane
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02-10-2017, 08:18 PM
Lakeland Bum

Originally Posted by
Emperor Zurg
I don't mind having no nicotine. Having never been a cigarette smoker, I'm not a big fan of the effects of nicotine. What I don't like about most aromatics (especially Cavendish based ones) is the thin, weak flavor with absolutely no body to it whatsoever. Nothing like a powerful Virginia to fill them out. Apparently a powerful burley works too. Those strong blends seem to have flavor in spades for some reason. I bet the nutty burley goes quite nice with cherry. I know always like a little almond extract in a cherry pie.
Got a nice wood stove fire started in the barn. I'm thinking maybe a Grand Oriental of some kind tonight.
You hit the nail on the head about body; that is what that cherry aromatic was missing as well as the N factor. The burley has plenty of body to spare and it has a monotonous, single-note flavor - very little depth. The cherry brought some more flavor into the mix.
Just chopped up some scraps from my homemade Navy flake to smoke in my Willard rusticated pot:
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02-10-2017, 09:28 PM
Indeed so Most indeededly
A little PS french vanilla in the abominable nose warmer
"If we never did anything we shouldn't, we'd never feel good about the things we should."
"I wish there was a way to know you're in the good old days, before you've actually left them."
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02-10-2017, 10:43 PM
Consummate Pipe Bum
Rattray's Black Mallory in a Hickok Premiere straight billiard
"I don't know anything about music. In my line of work you don't have to." -- Elvis Presley
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02-11-2017, 12:47 PM
rød hals
Good morning all, starting my weekend with SPS Black Swan in a MM cob.
“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present.”
― Bil Keane
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02-11-2017, 02:02 PM
Advisor to Bum Wanabees
Puffing F&T Vintage in my Il Duca Rhodesian. It’s going down especially well today. Perhaps because I’m so comfortable inside, while it’s rainy outside. I can smoke inside all year round in San Diego. I open an upstairs south window, and my downstairs north balcony door, and have a gentle draft through the whole house to clear smoke. With a wool sweater, I’m perfectly comfortable.
I think that the Rhodesian might have the loosest definition of all the standard pipe shapes. They’re generally said to have bulldog bowls with round shanks. But neither of my two Rhodesians fit that description. My Il Duca has a broad oval shank, and a single, extremely narrow, groove around the bowl:
Il Duca Smooth Rhodesian (D) | Buy Il Duca Tobacco Pipes at Smokingpipes
And Dunhill calls my 3117 a Rhodesian, but any piper would immediately identify it as a squat bulldog. It has all of the bulldog characteristics: a diamond shank and two parallel grooves around the bowl.
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02-11-2017, 05:28 PM
First bowl of Solani ABF. I liked it, but it's closer to the OTC burley flavor, ala lane/edgeworth ready rubbed, in flake format. smoked clean and a bit better presentation; just a little higher quality. I like my burley's more like C&D does them, but this was middling and quite nice. medium nicotine, didn't feel like I was teetering on the edge of queasiness which was nice.
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02-11-2017, 05:56 PM
Ruler Of The Galaxy

Originally Posted by
First bowl of Solani ABF. I liked it, but it's closer to the OTC burley flavor, ala lane/edgeworth ready rubbed, in flake format. smoked clean and a bit better presentation; just a little higher quality. I like my burley's more like C&D does them, but this was middling and quite nice. medium nicotine, didn't feel like I was teetering on the edge of queasiness which was nice.
Biggest thing I like about it is the flake form which lets me prepare it how I like. Usually I go with a very chunky rub-out with this one; not fold and stuff, more like crush and stuff, which is my default for medium strength blends, whereas strong blends get the fold and stuff and mild ones get fully rubbed out. That's the default anyway... but I've been known to mix things up a bit.
Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
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