02-08-2017, 12:48 PM
Advisor to Bum Wanabees
Puffing a fill of Dunhill DLNR from a just-opened tin. And yes it has "DE LUXE NAVY ROLLS" on the tin label, rather than just "NAVY ROLLS", as new tins have. I hope that the tobacco in the new tins hasn't been modified. Dunno why they changed the name -- maybe some regulatory busybody demanded it.
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02-08-2017, 02:37 PM
Embarcadero Part II, handled the overnight DGT very well. I think it improved with it actually. Good stuff.
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02-08-2017, 03:01 PM
Royal Bum

Originally Posted by
Emperor Zurg
You know, when I bought it I was sorely disappointed. P&C or Smokingpipes - can't remember which - had a sale on the Savinelli Elegance series; regular price of $70 bucks marked down to 45 or 50 or something like that. I'd wanted a Sav for a while anyway so I looked at the 313 prince and saw 'no filter', just a slight bend and what looked like rather thick walls. I clicked 'buy'. I had no idea at the time that a prince is usually a pretty small pipe and I never bothered to look at the bowl size for some reason. It showed up and I thought 'damn! I just bought a lady's pipe!' Figured they should have called the shape a 'Princess' rather than a Prince.
F-fwd to now and it's my go-to pipe for all the strong blends. I smoke alone so it doesn't matter if I look like a homo with it. On the rare event I smoke in company I'll be sure to bring something manly like the big ol' MM General... although that one does have a somewhat pink Forever stem...

They're great for a strong smoke or for a quick smoke......
Like my father before me, I will work the land,
And like my brother before me, I took a rebel stand.
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02-08-2017, 07:39 PM
Custom User Title

Originally Posted by
A bowl of leftovers in this little homemade monstrosity

Is that a massive bowl or do you have tiny hands?
You oughta know not to stand by the window, somebody see you up there.
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02-08-2017, 07:44 PM
Indeed so Most indeededly
It's a pretty big bowl in my tiny hands. The chamber's 7/8" wide and about 1" 3/4 deep. Real light weight so a good one for a long smoke. Was my second attempt at pipe making, thin walls so have to keep it slow or she heats up pretty bad.
"If we never did anything we shouldn't, we'd never feel good about the things we should."
"I wish there was a way to know you're in the good old days, before you've actually left them."
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02-08-2017, 07:49 PM
Royal Bum

Originally Posted by
Is that a massive bowl or do you have tiny hands?

That's freekin' Trumps hands! I know they are, as I seen them on TV.....
Like my father before me, I will work the land,
And like my brother before me, I took a rebel stand.
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02-08-2017, 07:54 PM
Custom User Title
Having a bowl of Dan Tobacco Sweet Vanilla Honeydew in a Dr. G Omega. I don't normally smoke aromatics but couldn't pass up
@Tobias Lutz
's fire sale, which this was a part of. It's actually not too bad - nice Virginia flavor, not too sweet, not biting, not gooping, staying lit, we could be friends
You oughta know not to stand by the window, somebody see you up there.
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02-08-2017, 07:57 PM
Royal Bum

Originally Posted by
Having a bowl of Dan Tobacco Sweet Vanilla Honeydew in a Dr. G Omega. I don't normally smoke aromatics but couldn't pass up
Tobias Lutz
's fire sale, which this was a part of. It's actually not too bad - nice Virginia flavor, not too sweet, not biting, not gooping, staying lit, we could be friends

It does seem that
@Tobias Lutz
could be easily befriended. A fine specimen of the human race for sure.....
Like my father before me, I will work the land,
And like my brother before me, I took a rebel stand.
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AlanS thanked for this post
02-08-2017, 08:00 PM
Custom User Title

Originally Posted by
It does seem that
Tobias Lutz
could be easily befriended. A fine specimen of the human race for sure.....
Oh, I already consider Tobias a friend and brother (although I've yet to meet him in person) - I was talking about the tobacco
You oughta know not to stand by the window, somebody see you up there.
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02-08-2017, 08:13 PM
Royal Bum

Originally Posted by
Oh, I already consider Tobias a friend and brother (although I've yet to meet him in person) - I was talking about the tobacco

Errrr......ahhhhh.....ummmmm.....well, while we're putting our cards on the table, he got a little goopy with me. Also, I'm not sayin' he bit, but he nibbled a bit hard on my arm for my needs at the time. I went and found a juice box, some crayons with a coloring book and a therapy rooster to get through it. I know he wasn't trying to be mean, but at times he seems rather aggressive.....
Like my father before me, I will work the land,
And like my brother before me, I took a rebel stand.
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