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  1. #15211
    Ruler Of The Galaxy Emperor Zurg's Avatar
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    Samuel Gawith "Sam's Flake" in another new, inexpensive pipe: a Baraccini Ole Shenandoah Sandblast, Copper Stack Poker. It almost looks like a bent gavel... if there is such a thing. P&C had Old Shenandoah pipes on sale last week pretty cheap so I picked one up. Not a bad looking pipe at all; it just has to get more black around the rim and some dirt in the pores so it doesn't look so... lumbersexual.

    Sam's Flake smells great in the tin; like some kind of apple fritters being baked... didn't care much for the taste first bowl but it holds promise so I'm sure it'll grow on me. Don't think it'll unseat the Mayor's Chocolate Flake though. At least this pipe doesn't exude the wretched chemical taste that the Rossi had. It's got that black, furnace cement gunk in the chamber but I don't get any nasty flavor coming off this one... I thought that Rossi pipe was going to kill me.


    It's similar to the foremost pipe in the pic
    Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

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  3. #15212
    Royal Bum droy1958's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlanS View Post
    Very clever these Chinese... well most of the time! I had a ladder slide out from under me years ago, snapped both bones in my right wrist clean through and had a nasty concussion too. Only bones I've ever broken. Get well friend, we're getting to old for this sh!t.
    Yessir, it's been several uncomfortable nights trying to sleep. I can't lay on either side nor my back or belly right now. Been trying to sleep sitting up in the recliner the best I can. I've been getting 3 to 4 hours of broken sleep or mini naps each night. I kind of feel like I have a dose of the "grumpy sleepy baby" syndrome........

    My eye.......

    My eye.jpg
    Last edited by droy1958; 01-06-2017 at 04:58 PM.
    Like my father before me, I will work the land,
    And like my brother before me, I took a rebel stand.

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  5. #15213
    Royal Bum Cool Breeze's Avatar
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    Had some PS Luxury Twist Flake in a small cob on my balcony in the snow.
    We got a few snowflakes so Arkansas came to a screeching halt.
    Check out my Youtube channel, Razorback Piper Guy if you like that sort of thing.

    If heaven has no cigars, I shall not go there. - Mark Twain

    It has been my experience that folks who have no vices, have very few virtues. - Abraham Lincoln

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  7. #15214
    Royal Bum droy1958's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cool Breeze View Post
    Had some PS Luxury Twist Flake in a small cob on my balcony in the snow.
    We got a few snowflakes so Arkansas came to a screeching halt.
    We have .5" of snow. The main roads are good, but the neighborhoods are still snow slick. I live on a corner/half circle and most people cut the corner (see F1 or Nascar Racing) to not use the circle. My neighbor is just perfect for someone to lose it and knock their mailbox down. I seen it go down once when a car tapped it with it's rear end today. It was just knocked off the post. I seen another dude come at it too fast and just locked it up to pile it into the curb. He tried to drive off a couple of times and got back out scratchin' his @$$ to look at his right front tire/wheel/fender assembly as it was one of those "Speck" style cars that doesn't have the clearance to run over a Walmart bag without issues. He eventually had to turn around and go back the way he came from. I assume to get it home before it fell apart.....
    Like my father before me, I will work the land,
    And like my brother before me, I took a rebel stand.

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  9. #15215
    Custom User Title Bruck's Avatar  Cigar Bum Sponsor
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    Quote Originally Posted by droy1958 View Post
    Yessir, it's been several uncomfortable nights trying to sleep. I can't lay on either side nor my back or belly right now. Been trying to sleep sitting up in the recliner the best I can. I've been getting 3 to 4 hours of broken sleep or mini naps each night. I kind of feel like I have a dose of the "grumpy sleepy baby" syndrome........

    My eye.......

    My eye.jpg
    Hope you feel better soon! Mrs. Bruck took a spill off of a ladder in October and is still recovering.

    I'll put some Nic. Rustica in the mail for you this weekend

    And for the record, I'm having some Five Brothers by a crackling fire and two beers - Mrs. wife opened up one for me and then one for herself, but it was one she didn't like, so now I have two
    You oughta know not to stand by the window, somebody see you up there.

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  11. #15216
    Royal Bum droy1958's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruck View Post
    Hope you feel better soon! Mrs. Bruck took a spill off of a ladder in October and is still recovering.

    I'll put some Nic. Rustica in the mail for you this weekend

    And for the record, I'm having some Five Brothers by a crackling fire and two beers - Mrs. wife opened up one for me and then one for herself, but it was one she didn't like, so now I have two
    I hope Mrs. Bruck gets to feeling better soon. I just don't seem to heal up as fast as I used to. 25-30 years ago, I would've been laughing about it for a spell and have been healed up in 2 days. I laughed about it for around 2 minutes after it happened, poured 4 fingers of Buchanan's 18 year old scotch and decided it was getting awful late. I was talked into staying up until midnight to celebrate the new year. YeeeeHawwwww..... I appreciate it Bruce!
    Like my father before me, I will work the land,
    And like my brother before me, I took a rebel stand.

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  13. #15217
    Consummate Pipe Bum cpmcdill's Avatar
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    Daughters & Ryan Rimboche SJ in a mm cob
    "I don't know anything about music. In my line of work you don't have to." -- Elvis Presley

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    -1 this morning for my commute. This called for some warmth, so some well aged Pelican in my Sav bully happened.

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  17. #15219
    Advisor to Bum Wanabees Pipe Smoker's Avatar
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    Puffing Capstan Medium, with 2+ years of age on it, in my Kirsten Mariner. Thinking of lunch… I'll have some of the Colin Street Bakery fruitcake that my brother and SIL send me at Christmas. Very tasty, it is. Especially after I dribble some Bushmills Black Bush Irish whiskey over it. They're Baptist, so I don't tell 'em about the whiskey.

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  19. #15220
    Smart A$$ Bum FireTom's Avatar  Cigar Bum Sponsor
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    Ole Shenandoah Barrel #76 this morning on the early drive to work.

    Sent from here.
    Uh, I'm just gonna go find a cash machine.

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