Troost Aromatic Match in a slight bend black sandblasted Lorenzo Elba Imperia 8636 with an amber colored acrylic stem. Not much left of this pouch now.
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Troost Aromatic Match in a slight bend black sandblasted Lorenzo Elba Imperia 8636 with an amber colored acrylic stem. Not much left of this pouch now.
Black Lion bulk from the local B&M. .. some sort of caramel/raisin tasting stuff. Wife loves the smell. Save the Burley gifts fkr when she's not aroune.
Watch City Old Dominion in a 1988 smooth full bend Peterson System Standard XL 315. Running low on this trade sample.
St James Flake in a Big Ben Ranger.
Savinelli Essenza Cipriota in a 2003 medium bent Ural meer with a lined and etched egg shaped bowl.
Esoterica Tilsbury in a Grayson's squat bulldog
Had me some Haddo's Delight in a Custombilt Pot this morning on my drive to work. Lovely stuff it is.
C&D 412A: Billy Budd in a MM Dwarf cobbit, courtesy of @Haebar . Nice smokey flavor with a spice that reminded me of Sam Adams Winter Lager. Very nice!
Russ Monthly Candy Corn. This is my favorite monthly blend I think. Good stuff! I had it in a MM.
Squadron leader in a MM