I think it's well on it's way to being mine as well. Really enjoyed it
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Revelation match in a Grabow pot.
Finishing up a bowl of Full Virginia Flake in a pre-Republic Peterson billiard.
I think I'm going to pack a bowl of H&H 10 to Midnight in a Straight Savinelli 114 KS after this.
• Germain’s Plum Cake Mixture in a Dr. Grabow Smooth Straight Royalton :pipe:
PPP in one of my Tsuge pots.
MS River in a cob...
smoked somthin called....BreBBla Cal Avados on the zip lock...........
I'm treating myself this evening.
Smoking a bowl of MacBaren No. 1 aged 30+ years courtesy of @Haebar .
Enjoying it in my new (to me) Savinelli Punto Oro Mister G.
Man, this stuff is some kind of good.
I've got enough for another bowl or two and I'm hoarding it like it's gold.
Burning some more C&D Odessa because it was free :) (sample from a co-worker) Burns pretty well and the flavor's okayish. There's only about a half a bowl worth left in the baggie - think I'll feed it to the English Ivy.