Going on a rare pipe binge for the evening...
First: Drew Estate 7th Ave Blonde
Then: Peter Stokkebye Cherry Bonbon with a coin of G&H Black Cherry Twist in the middle
And finally: G&H Glengarry flake - rubbed out this time
All in my trusty ole cob
Just a Country Gentleman smoking a Country Gentleman full of Country Gentleman. Redundant huh?
long day..smokin TSUGE (winters embrace) today......
Starting a bowl of MM Missouri Pride in a Brindisi briar
Trying McClelland's Legends, sample from my tobacco-trading co-worker, in a meer, with a beer :)
It's not bad, but I don't foresee buying bales of it any time soon.
McClelland's Yenidje Highlander in same pipe as before.
GL Pease Quiet Nights in a MM Country Gentleman
Frenchy's Sunzabitches while on a walk with our youngest and our dog.
a half bowl of DGT'd Three Friars (another excellent blend from C&D) in a MM Eaton this morning, and then a bit of Kendal Kentucky this afternoon in a tiny Savinelli Bent Bob's.