Big bowl of Exotique in my Hwiebe . Over 90 minutes big.
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Big bowl of Exotique in my Hwiebe . Over 90 minutes big.
The last of my stash of P&W Dummerston in an early ’40s smooth straight pre-republic Peterson Sterling Canadian with a sterling silver band and a p-lip.
The relatively small sample I am working with came from someone who asked to remain anonymous. However, with some internet savvy detective work one may be able to find several potential sources. Mapacho is typically made into a snuff (called Rapé) for shamanic healing rituals in Peru, and can only be purchased direct from Peru, as it's not an export item. Here's a site I found with a quick search:
Peruvian Mapacho
I'd consider $98 for 2 lb of the stuff an amazing deal.
2015 Hearth & Home White Knight in a 1970s Caminetto Business #104 saddle billiard. Diet Pepsi.
Fourth bowl since opening this tin and it seems to have caught up to itself.
Kentucky club Crosby square in the mm Ozark.
acadian legend
Newminster Denmark in a clay.
A third of the way through this bowl of Marlin Flake in a 2015 Basil Meadows smooth slight bend tomato military mount with an aluminum accent, horn ferrule, and cumberland p-lip stem. This will finish my stash.
I haven't...but some of us don't mind a little Lakeland flavor
Nice paring
sent from my bag phone