Revelation match in a Grabow pot
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Revelation match in a Grabow pot
2009 McClelland Beacon in a post WW2 Pre-Republic Peterson Dublin straight smooth X155 Bulldog with a sterling silver band.
Pirate Kake in a Kaywoodie. First bowl in a while, reminded why I like it. Flavor bomb, and very manageable nic.
Orlik Dark Strong Kentucky.
I just got my first tin in today. Love it so far. I'm on my 2nd bowl already. Really nice.
2015 Cromwell in a 2015 MM Diplomat with Diet Ginger Ale (Seagrams). It's so nice outside that I many stay out all night.
MacBaren Modern Virginia Loose Cut in a 2015 smooth unfinished Savinelli 320KS author.
GH Rum Twist on tap for the morning. Would be Brown Bogie, but I'm too lazy to hack up a rope and the twist is all nice and prepped.
Lighting up a bowl of G L Pease Gaslight in a bier
sent from my bag phone
Edward G. Robinson's Pipe Blend in a 1982 black sandblasted paneled slight bend Savinelli flat bottom sitter.
Just finished smoking Jim's Half Va., Half Burley w/Per in a 1970s slight bend Caminetto business 134 poker with a gold acrylic stem.