Edward G. Robinson's Pipe Blend in the second pipe I ever bought, a 1974 three quarter bend black groove carved Dr. Grabow Omega.
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Edward G. Robinson's Pipe Blend in the second pipe I ever bought, a 1974 three quarter bend black groove carved Dr. Grabow Omega.
2007 MacBaren Matured Virginia in a 1988 smooth full bend Peterson System Standard XL 315. Have enough left for a small bowl.
A couple minutes or so away from smoking Greve Gilbert Hamiltons Blandning in an undated (1970s?) unbranded straight paneled sandblasted Tanshell Dunhill second.
Almost finished smoking Hayward Mixture in an early 1930s smooth straight Super Grain Kaywoodie Synchrostem Canadian 5129.
Edgeworth Ready Rubbed Match in a 1979 straight smooth Dr. Grabow Grand Duke 45 pot.
2015 Thomas Harriot (pressed) in a 1985 Ser Jacopo Renaissance #313 sandblast tape apple. First bowl in a pipe that I designed and sold 30 years ago. Very kewl.
I was given a 3-lb can of Kirkland ground coffee so I put my grinder in the basement until needed again. This morning there was just enough of the Kirkland for one last cup that I put outside, on the deck table, before going back inside to select this tobacco and pipe.
When I returned outside (perhaps 3 minutes) there were two honey bees floating dead in my coffee! Holy Sh*t, an insect suicide pact!!
I fished them out with a fork and wanted to be angry but I like honey bees, so I put them on a napkin and I decided to drink the coffee anyway.
Hey, we eat honey and some people drink Civet Coffee and you know where that's been!
2015 Thomas Hariot in a 1986 Capitello Ionico I (rusticated) taper billiard.
Got the grinder from the basement, made a second cup of coffee, set it on the deck table and seconds later a honey bee was hovering over it with obvious intent. Now aware of his impending fate, I shooed him away but he returned. Took a few determined shoos to save his life but who knew that bees have a suicidal need to imbibe a little java.
Just finished my first smoke in the Jacopo Renaissance apple and it was sublime. Every flavor present, pronounced and crisp but it was too good to be a valuable test of the the mixture. Ironic because the white acrylic stem on this pipe (it was supposed to be black) caused me to kill the line although they did make a few Renaissance series pipes after that.
The last of my stash of 2012 Orlik Golden Sliced in a 1999 smooth dark brown full bend Tim West tomato.
2015 Thomas Hariot in a MM Diplomat.
Half way through this bowl of D&R William’s Delight in a smooth medium bend straight grain 2001 Karl Erik Ekstravagant brandy with a leaf engraved silver band.