1792 in a Roma bulldog.
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1792 in a Roma bulldog.
Almost finished smoking Lane’s Blend 11 Match in a 2013 MM straight Legend.
Closing out the evening with a big bowl of Presbyterian Mix in a Nording Signature Freehand.
C&D USS Mason in a 2003 medium bent Ural meer with a lined and etched egg shaped bowl.
On my 3rd bowl of some homemade VA/Oriental flake in a MM Diplomat.
H&H Chestnut in a Grayson's squat bulldog (so glad I took a chance on the 14oz tub -- good stuff!)
This evening I am starting out with a bowl of HH Acadian Perique in my extra large Rossi Pickaxe freehand.:pipe: I've only had this tobacco blend for about a month, but I seem to smoke it frequently. This tobacco seems to create and leave a spicy wispiness around my nose and tongue that keeps me wanting more; yet I know that if I immediately had another bowl of this tobacco it would not be as good so I go on to another tobacco blend.:cheerful: I am topping off this smoke with an ice cold mug of "Guinness Draught" brew and this evening is starting out just fine!:joyous:
Not far away from finishing this bowl of Arcadian Perique in my trusty 1970s smooth three quarter bend Peterson System Standard 305.
Daughters & Ryan Rimboche A.B. in a Marxman straight bulldog.
Puffing on a bowl full of Sutliff CD Blend that has been jarred since 2010, the age has certainly made this cheap, wet tobacco become pretty good.