Just finished smoking G&H Rich Dark Honeydew in a straight 2014 MM Pride Legend.
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Just finished smoking G&H Rich Dark Honeydew in a straight 2014 MM Pride Legend.
Greve Gilbert Hamiltons Blandning in a 1980 smooth Lorenzo Ambra 803 Oom Paul with an pearl colored acrylic stem.
Almost half way through this bowl of Standard Tobacco Company of Pennsylvania War Horse in a smooth almost full bend 1981 Briar Workshop round volcano signed by Elliott Nachwalter with a gold acrylic stem.
Thanks for the heads-up Bill. My first smoke of the #403 was pretty good although it burns a bit hot. Has some of the cashew taste of the Gawith Hoggarth Curly Cut deLuxe Sliced. I may try the #403 with some Gawith Hoggarth Dark Sliced, thanks for the tip.
earlier, Samuel Gawith Medium Virginia Flake in a 1940s Barling's Make Ye Olde Wood EL saddle billiard.
now smoking, Samuel Gawith St. James Flake in a 1961 Barling's Make canadian.
Part way through this bowl of Standard Tobacco Company of Pennsylvania John Cotton’s No.s 1&2 Medium in a 2002 Ser Jacopo Delecta Fatta A Mano R1 sandblast Rhodesian with a smooth extension at the shank.
2015 Fribourg & Treyer Golden Mixture in a 1991 Ser Jacopo Gemma Fiammata taper billiard with gold band. Iced Diet Pepsi (if the ie is still there) with K.D. Lang as I restore a Barling Straight Grain that was abused.
Esoterica Penzance. I just remembered why I don't smoke this more often. It so smooth I end up inhaling the whole bowl.
About half way through this bowl of St. James Flake in a 1980 medium bend black sandblasted silver band Peterson Donegal 805 Bulldog.
Having a little nightcap... of Nightcap :)
Just finished smoking MacBaren Symphony in a slight bent black pattern etched 1979 Lorenzo Lorsan Sigma tilted top with a gray swirl colored stem.