Puffing away on my Venere 602 full of 02/12 Hal O' the Wynd. Offering advice as my son prepares his ocean kayak for an offshore tomorrow. Word is there's going to be 8 inch seas.
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Puffing away on my Venere 602 full of 02/12 Hal O' the Wynd. Offering advice as my son prepares his ocean kayak for an offshore tomorrow. Word is there's going to be 8 inch seas.
fired up my newest Meershaum with a "Bastards Blend" of differing burley samples that I had.Actually not bad,just wish I had written down what all I put in.
Hi Matthew,
No, not really. The shanks too short to really cool the smoke but it might add a hint of extra color in a good briar.
1985 Elephant & Castle Isle of Skye in a 1985 Ser Jacopo (unmarked) Rowlette saddle panel. Last bowl of the night and a special one.
Not far from finishing this bowl of Tilbury in a smooth 2002 Peterson Sherlock Holmes Series Milverton.
I bid you adieu avec un pipe filled with Germains Plum Cake Mixture in my brown 312KS.
*And then decided I still wasn't tired and stuffed some Bullseye Luxury Flake in my Meer to commemorate the fine shooting I did this morning.
Synjeco Bad Nun in a 2002 IMP smooth full bend egg shaped meer.
SG Balkan Flake in a Savinelli billiard.
Couple minutes away from smoking Edward G. Robinson's Pipe Blend in a 1982 black sandblasted paneled slight bend Savinelli flat bottom sitter.
Had 2 bowls of Coyote Classic this afternoon while gardening.
Also tried PA for the first time.
I was very excited to try, and I am looking forward to more.
Can't say that it was love at first smoke, but I am interested.