Starting off my smoking day with Edgeworth Ready Rubbed in a very much appreciated 1979 brown, slight bend grain etched flat front Stanwell Rego 969-48 (09). Running low on this stuff now.
1940 Capstan Blue in a straight sandblasted black billiard 2013 PSF POY Kaywoodie with an amber colored lucite stem. This will finish the sample. Very delicious!!
Earlier in the day...
2015 McClellands #2010 in a 1940s Barling's Make Ye Olde Wood #1372R long taper billiard. This was the last of the #2010 other than what I've got stored.
been smoking...
2014 Peter Stokkebye Luxury Navy Flake in a 1983 Ser Jacopo Gemma Granato short, taper blliard with band.