About time you got that thing christened! That is a beautiful pipe.
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Stonehaven in a Savinelli University pipe
Now smoking HU Scotney in a 1979 brown grain etched Lane Era Charatan's Make medium bend saddle stem calabash shape 483DC. Have enough for two or three bowls.
Sam Gawith full VA flake mm cob "Mac Baren HH Latakia Flake" sounds pretty good might have to try some after I get through this sampler Tmoran sent me on puff.
Edward G. Robinson's Pipe Blend in a 1982 black sandblasted paneled slight bend Savinelli flat bottom sitter. Bet that surprises you folks! :D
G&H Bob's Chocolate flake in a new pipe I got in my surprise box from C&P.
Thanks for recommending this stuff Tobias!
MM General stuffed with some homemade flake, under the propane lamp on the deck - warmed up to the 40s today; first outdoor smoke in months!
Just for you @Cardinal :D
First bowl of our group buy St. James Flake....my goodness is this stuff awesome! FVF with some added perique? YES PLEASE!
Milan Rovada in a 2002 Ser Jacopo Delecta Fatta A Mano R1 sandblast Rhodesian with a smooth extension at the shank.