06-08-2015, 05:07 PM
Royal Bum
Edward G. Robinson's Pipe Blend in a 1982 black sandblasted paneled slight bend Savinelli flat bottom sitter.
06-08-2015, 05:42 PM
Jumpin’ Railcars and Collectin' Cans

Originally Posted by
I have no objections to trail riding and motorcycling. It's the activities that other people have to pay for with loss of sleep (snowmobilers whining away until 3 in the morning, gagging the air with their engines spewing out fumes that are something like 200 times as bad as an automobile), ATV riders completely devastating natural habit habit, and jet ski riders that make the beach an unpleasant place to spend your time because of the noise pollution. I also have a problem with the fact that it supports every economy but our own to engage in the aforesaid three pastimes. All the snowmobiles, ATVs, and jet skis are made in Japan or Korea, with the imported oil to fuel them running up the trade deficit to boot. Add to that the national epidemic of obesity and it would seem that there are far healthier pastimes that are just as rewarding, say cycling, golf (without the cart), sailing, hiking, canoing/kayaking, swimming, skiing, snowboarding, skate boarding...I don't like noise, I guess, especially when other people have to put up with it that so the motorized entertainment crowd can enjoy themselves. There are hidden problems, too. After the first snow falls and the snowmobilers are ready to take to the trails, a number of large birds are frightened away from the nests that they have built for winter when it was quiet and secluded. The snowmobilers chase them off those nests, and on a cold night the birds will freeze to death before they have time to build another. Not a big thing, in the bigger picture of habitat destruction, but an unhappy thought that springs to mind when I hear them out there after midnight.
I appreciate your opinion on the matter, but can't say I agree with all of your points (in Michigan anyway, I'm really not sure how other states handle their ORV's). Most ORV/Jet Ski companies are outside the US. Sea-Doo is a Canadian company. Polaris and Can-Am are here in the USA. Regarding obesity, unless you are going really slow, riding ORV's actually takes quite a bit of energy. I can personally say it's the most active thing I do and I get my ass kicked every time I go out.
Anyone that doesn't follow the laws can be a jackass and tear up the land. Here in Michigan we have extensive ORV and Snowmobile trails. As long as you are following all of the local ordinances, (which for the most part I see people doing) the land isn't torn up willy-nilly. There are even private organizations such as the Cycle Conservation Club (CCC), that promote proper use of the trails (I, however, am no longer a member of the CCC since they supported our local ORV tax increase from $16.25/bike to almost $40.00/bike....this is a different discussion though). In Michigan we also have the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) or woods cops that do patrol the trails.
The little towns in Michigan the ORV trails surround really depend on the tourism dollars that riders and snowmobilers provide, so it is a major boost to their economy. Every time I go riding I drop several hundred dollars on gas, food, etc. There are also dealers for all of the brands that employ sales/parts/mechanics people.
I can't really say what kind of effect it has on the wild life. Every year I go up is a bit different. I went up Memorial day weekend and this year the wildlife is thriving. I saw more dear, turkey, rodents, and birds then I have so far in previous. Not exactly a scientific study, but there have been years past where discussion around the campfire was about if we had to survive out here we would surely starve.
I agree all ORV's/watercraft are loud. I can see being annoyed with the noise if you live close to a lake or trail.
I have been riding for 22 years. My son is only 10 and has been riding since he was 4. My daughter (14) has been riding for a year now. It's something I love that that has brought me closer to family and friends so I tend to be a bit outspoken defending it (kind of like speaking against all the anti-tobacco ranters).
Thanks for at least reading my argument. I hope the motorsports participants in your area show a bit more courtesy.
To keep things on topic, I'm smoking H&H AJ's VaPer in my Underslung pipe, "The General".
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06-08-2015, 06:17 PM
Royal Bum
McClelland Black Tie in a brown 1980 long stem three quarter bend Caminetto 205 Business egg.
06-08-2015, 07:18 PM
Consummate Pipe Bum
F&K Lancer Slices in a Marxman bulldog
"I don't know anything about music. In my line of work you don't have to." -- Elvis Presley
06-08-2015, 08:12 PM
Royal Bum
Half way through this bowl of Peter Heinrichs Curly Block in a mid-1970s black rusticated straight Savinelli Estella 915 KS billiard. Have enough for one more bowl.
06-08-2015, 08:43 PM
Royal Bum
So far today I've had:
- a bowl of H&H Virginia Spice in a no-name flea market briar
- a bowl of Frog Morton in a MM Huck Finn
- a bowl of Old Shenandoah Bootlegged in a MM Legend
I'm probably not finished. I'm kind of in a Virginia mood. Thinking maybe some McClelland Red Cake.
Check out my Youtube channel, Razorback Piper Guy if you like that sort of thing.
If heaven has no cigars, I shall not go there. - Mark Twain
It has been my experience that folks who have no vices, have very few virtues. - Abraham Lincoln
06-08-2015, 08:52 PM
True Derelict

Originally Posted by
Wonderful! It was a perfect smoke.
The most cigars that I ever bought at one time, for myself, was 17 boxes of La Gloria Cubana. The Wavells were $1.25 and about to go up in price so I stocked up. Then the Cigar Boom happened.
Just finishing a La Herencia Cubana Toro with about 2 years of age on it. Very underrated stick.
Post Thanks / Like - 0 Thanks, 3 Likes
06-08-2015, 09:17 PM
I polished off a bowl each of FM Bayou and Squadron Leader in a couple cobs tonight.
06-08-2015, 09:37 PM
Royal Bum
Tilbury in a medium bend raw sienna toned early Radice sandblast egg with bamboo craving on the shank.
06-08-2015, 09:38 PM
Royal Bum

Originally Posted by
The most cigars that I ever bought at one time, for myself, was 17 boxes of La Gloria Cubana. The Wavells were $1.25 and about to go up in price so I stocked up. Then the Cigar Boom happened.
Just finishing a La Herencia Cubana Toro with about 2 years of age on it. Very underrated stick.
I used to smoke a lot of cigars amongst my pipe smoking, but the cigar boom put a crimp in that. I still have a nice stash of cigars in my humidors, aging until they die!