MM 965 in an MM Great Dane while working on my latest odd ball estate.
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MM 965 in an MM Great Dane while working on my latest odd ball estate.
PS Cube Cut in a Malaga Second.
A bunch of days back, the can of RY went empty, so I grabbed the remains of some PS Bullseye, threw the shreds of RY in there, reached for the can of Marlin Flake to find less than a bowl remaining, so I threw that in the Bullseye jar, mixed it up, and been smoking it all morning. Remarkably good mix of tobaccos. As I was really enjoying a bowl a little while ago, I was again subjected to a Prilosec commercial featuring Larry the Cable Guy. These commercials, taken as a group, represent practically every facet of what is objectionable about American culture to the rest of the civilized world. In this one, he is screaming aboard a jet ski (an especially annoying form of motorized entertainment) about how it fixes the side effects of obesity and overeating. This fat, loud, inconsiderate rube rides his obnoxious machine aground into a family picnic, at which point I wish the commercial ended with the guy at the BBQ pulling out a revolver, drilling Larry between the eyes, then telling the wife and kids that it's time to eat, the burgers and dogs are done.
While I can't disagree with Larry the Cable Guy being annoying, I see a trend that you just don't care for motorsports. As an avid trail rider and motorcyclist, I'm curious why the animosity? When we go out riding we stick to the dedicated trails, clean up our camp, and generally only see a handful of people while out and about. It's fun and a great way to bond with my kids and fellow dirt riders. No offense taken just curious why these machines get your goat.
Edward G. Robinson's Pipe Blend in a 2014 Basil Meadows smooth slight bend squashed tomato with an aluminum band and a black pearl acrylic stem.
Heading out to my nephews graduation party with some Sweet Vanilla Honeydew in a Malaga.
I have no objections to trail riding and motorcycling. It's the activities that other people have to pay for with loss of sleep (snowmobilers whining away until 3 in the morning, gagging the air with their engines spewing out fumes that are something like 200 times as bad as an automobile), ATV riders completely devastating natural habit habit, and jet ski riders that make the beach an unpleasant place to spend your time because of the noise pollution. I also have a problem with the fact that it supports every economy but our own to engage in the aforesaid three pastimes. All the snowmobiles, ATVs, and jet skis are made in Japan or Korea, with the imported oil to fuel them running up the trade deficit to boot. Add to that the national epidemic of obesity and it would seem that there are far healthier pastimes that are just as rewarding, say cycling, golf (without the cart), sailing, hiking, canoing/kayaking, swimming, skiing, snowboarding, skate boarding...I don't like noise, I guess, especially when other people have to put up with it that so the motorized entertainment crowd can enjoy themselves. There are hidden problems, too. After the first snow falls and the snowmobilers are ready to take to the trails, a number of large birds are frightened away from the nests that they have built for winter when it was quiet and secluded. The snowmobilers chase them off those nests, and on a cold night the birds will freeze to death before they have time to build another. Not a big thing, in the bigger picture of habitat destruction, but an unhappy thought that springs to mind when I hear them out there after midnight.
Just finished smoking Edward's Bishop Burley in a 1970s smooth straight grain Savinelli Oom Paul Non Pareil 9504 with a horn ferrule.
1960s Edgeworth Slices in an old medium bend grain etched Preben Holm Ben Wade Prominence B freehand. A bottle of Sprite is my drink.
Hi Paul,
Adding to Jim (Inks) comments, I've tried Orlik Golden Sliced for the first time in a long time this week. Very grassy, muted flavors that had a somewhat artificial cast. Gets better the longer I smoke with a little more pronouncement of the flavors. I've read others who feel that it gets better with age and that would be my feeling albeit from only a couple of bowls. Lacks the sweetness that I enjoy.
Just finished 2015 McClelland Blackwoods Flake in a (date unknown) Il Ceppo '4' oval shank, taper billiard.
Now smoking McClelland Tawny Flake in a 1990 Ser Jacopo Gemma Fiammata taper billiard with a gold band.
I like the Blackwoods but probably won't order more of the Tawny.