Peterson’s Irish Whisky in a 1975 medium bend sandblasted looking, smooth on the sides yellow Pioneer meer.
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Peterson’s Irish Whisky in a 1975 medium bend sandblasted looking, smooth on the sides yellow Pioneer meer.
Edward G. Robinson's Pipe Blend in a BBB lovat
Almost finished smoking Sutliff Breckinridge in my old reliable 1986 smooth Peterson Kildare 999 Rhodesian. Just in time for dinner!
Smoking some "orange X" from @NeverBend 's blind review. This is bowl #3 and my oh my is it an exquisite Virginia . Can't wait to find out what this stuff is!
Jack is my favorite comic book artist and his work is one of the reasons I became a comic book artist. We were friends for many years, too, so I think it's cool you use his work as your avatar. Jack mostly smoked cigars, but he did smoke pipes, too.
About half way through this bowl of Peter Stokkebye Natural in a 1982 smooth slight bend straight grain Ben Wade Martinique freehand sitter with a wide top.
Edward's Special Balkan in a 1990 Peterson Irish Second Oom Paul natural. This is my first time smoking this blend, but I know I have smoked this before under another name.
Hearth & Home Strikeforce in a BBB lovat