Just finished a bowl of GL Pease Sextant in a Sunrise Featherweight.
Tobias Lutz replied to my message on eBay and here it is:
New message from: afi6to8 (668Purple Star)
Hi John,
I thought I recognized the name when I was printing the label. Yes, priorities have indeed changed... I finished the first stint in graduate school that I began around the time I dropped out the forums, and I'm finishing the second trip in the spring. I appreciate the kind words, and maybe one of these days I'll pop back in. I have gotten to the point that my smoking isn't nearly as frequent- it's almost been relegated to celebratory cigars as of late. I hope you and yours are doing well, also. Thanks for the purchase- I hope you enjoy the pipe.
1 Attachment(s)
Smoking a bowl of GLP Jack Knife Ready-Rubbed in a McCranie billiard/pot.
Smoking some Rattray's Red Rapparee in a Comoy's Guildhall billiard.
Had a bowl of G&H Whiskey Twist last night alongside a rum toddy. Pretty good combo actually although if hit in the wrong order there were notes of laundry soap...
Another, albeit smaller bowl of Whiskey Twist last night. This time with a glass of Spanish red. Meh. The toddy paired much better.
Found a cob that I'd misplaced with a half smoked bowl of some flake, I disremember what, but I smoked that. Was actually pretty good. I think it was a week or two sitting around.
Having some Haunted Bookshop in a Savnelli Series III bent apple.
HH Old Dark Fired in a Savinelli straight billiard.
It's going great with my morning (mid-day now) coffee.
Breaking in a new pipe a friend sent me and this only the 2nd bowl. Newminister No 702 Light Burley. I'm a pipe novice, but I'm enjoying it with a cup of coffee listening to Pink Floyd The Wall on my tube system.
Having some C&D Autumn Evening on a summer evening.