Now he’s gone and lost his britches again!
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Puffing a new-to-me tobacco: Solani 660, Silver Flake (AKA Silver Label). SmokingPipes says of it:
“Solani Silver Label is a medium to full flake made from ripe red Virginia and spicy, dark-fired Kentucky.”
My initial impression is quite positive — fairly mild, tasty, and quite different from any of my other tobaccos. Flake? It’s damned near fully rubbed out — OK by me though. Dry out of a new tin, it lights and burns easily. Usually available at SmokingPipes.
Silver Flake comes only in rectangular 100g tins. Those don’t seal at all, so I put it into a Weck 742 Mold canning jar, which it filled almost completely.
BTW – I really like the Weck “Mold” jars for tobacco. They’re wide at the top, making it easy to get tobacco in and out. I use the Weck 741 Mold jars for tobacco from 50g tins.
Lane 1-q
Having a bowl of Bullseye Flake (sans bullseyes) and a glass of red wine
Puffing my new tobacco, Solani 660, Silver Flake, again, now in my Radice Rhodesian. 660 has an enjoyable spicy taste, and no bad habits.
C&D Junkyard Dog in a true smoking Savi
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Puffing Solani 660, Silver Flake, in my old Kirsten. Very flavorful, and a bit zippy — just right.
And looking forward to lunch, which will feature a smash burger with garlic dill pickles, raw onion, mustard, and mayo. I make GOOD smash burgers!
I'll take your word for it on that since I don't know what one is and don't feel like Googling it.
MOAR debullseyed Bullseye flake. Maybe this time I'll try it with a Honey Brown lager since wine is for evenings IMO. I was saving the bullseyes since I have an aversion to throwing good tobacco away. But then I tried crumbling a couple of them up and dropping them on top of the charge before a relight. They add nothing. Nothing that I care about anyway. Now I just give them a fling. They remind me of the core in the center of a roll of paper; looks useful but really isn't.
Irish X in a meer rounded out a mellow Saturday p.m. I now have about twice as much hair on my chest; hope Mrs. Bruck doesn't mind :)