How did it taste without?
Its blasphemy I know, but I've never been huge into the ol' Bullseye
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Dunhill ye Olde Signe in a DiMonte bent brandy
Not sure since this bowl is about half 2015. This particular bowl is quite nice tho.
I expect Bullseye to be more intense without the cav. Cavendish seems to water everything else down at the price of a slight addition in sweetness. Just like burley in an English tends to dull the citrus notes. I hate that. My stash of Bullseye has been aging for 3 or more years. It's getting quite tasty. For example, the pepper is noticeable now. It wasn't when it was fresh. Red Rap has Cavendish too but it's tasty in spite of it. Maybe it's got a Virginia based Cavendish or something instead of Green River burley. Burley, in any form, is a curse to Virginia tobacco. It belongs on its own. I can appreciate a bowl of Five Brothers, but keep it out of my Virginia blends. That's my take on it anyway.
Good to see you around again, Brandon.
Spent the earlier part of a beautiful Sat. a.m. with a meerful of Virginia Gold Black and Gold, jarred since 2014, and some percolated Maxwell House coffee :)
Enjoying a bowl of Strang in the homemade pickaxe.
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Puffing Gordon Pym in my Tinsky brandy. An unusual and tasty English mixture.
Quick lunch bowl in a Grabow, SPC Narrow Bridge
I celebrated Easter, and the end of Lent, by opening a tin of 2017 McClelland Celebrated Sovereign.
It's a tasty, mild English.
Also had a few bowls of C&D Opening Night.
I don't like a lot of their Virginias, but this one is nice.