Latakia Flake in a Bjarne Viking Classic with a silver band.
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Latakia Flake in a Bjarne Viking Classic with a silver band.
G&H Dark Flake Unscented in a 2013 bent MM Missouri Pride Legend.
Thank you.
No Name was consistent with the bowls I smoked in the Fall and you know that I'm not easily given to such glowing comments. I'd like to write a review of No Name so that it can have the witness that it deserves and you won't have to humiliate me to do it.
2015 Gawith Hoggarth Mixture #12 in a 1985 Ser Jacopo S2 Maxima sandblasted taper apple.
Maybe my last bowl before I write the review of #12 that @Branzig humiliated me into writing.
I hadn't had a pipe in a few days, tonight I'm starting off with McClelland's Frog Morton Across The Pond in a MM Country Gentleman.
First pipe in several weeks I think... A bowl of Peacehaven in my Big Ben.
Now smoking one of my favorite tobaccos of all time: Dunhill Navy Rolls in a much cherished smooth straight grain three quarter bend 1979 Becker M 4 heart brandy. I gave into temptation and opened a two year old tin when I opened the two year old bag of Tilbury.
As always a good time at pipe club. I brought four Malaga brand pipes I restored. I purchased them from a member at last months pipe club. Here are the before and after shots:
I was able to fit three bowls in. The first Gawith, Hoggarth & Co. - Bright CR Flake, second GL Pease Bohemian Scandal (2004), and the third Tom's Private Reserve. I bring stuff too, but it goes unsmoked. I can't compete with what these guys have in their cellars. If you have a pipe club in your area you should join.
@JustTroItIn Nice work!
Currently having my second meerful of Daughters and Ryan Three Sails. It's basically an unadulterated straight VA fine ribbon cut (read cigarette tobacco). I got it for blending but have a bowl of it straight once in a while. It's not too bad, but I have to smoke it really slowly to avoid overheating and moisture buildup, i.e., gurgling.