11-30-2018, 05:25 AM
Lakeland Bum
Smoking a bowl of D&R Cockstrong in a Sunrise Apple. Going to get a new set of tires today - Probably some Hercules AT2 Terra Tracks. Anybody have any experience with Hercules tires?
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11-30-2018, 09:31 AM
Ruler Of The Galaxy

Originally Posted by
SG Chocolate Flake in a cob.
How was it? I really like that blend. If it didn't have enough taste you can always rub that one completely out too. I usually prepare that one as a broken flake or cube cut.
Some of these G&H blends you can't rub out. 1792 for example... that one just turns into splinters and sawdust. Can't imagine you'd like 1792 anyway tho. It's one of those 'polarizing' blends that it seems only 'seasoned' pipers enjoy.
Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
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Brimy thanked for this post
11-30-2018, 11:39 AM
Advisor to Bum Wanabees
Puffing “The Mallard” in my Tinsky billiard. Excellent tobacco, excellent pipe. Sipping dark roast coffee, and listening to “Sultans of Swing” (Dire Straits). Excellent tune. And it’s Friday!
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11-30-2018, 05:36 PM
Royal Bum

Originally Posted by
Emperor Zurg
How was it? I really like that blend. If it didn't have enough taste you can always rub that one completely out too. I usually prepare that one as a broken flake or cube cut.
Some of these G&H blends you can't rub out. 1792 for example... that one just turns into splinters and sawdust. Can't imagine you'd like 1792 anyway tho. It's one of those 'polarizing' blends that it seems only 'seasoned' pipers enjoy.
I'm still in limbo where I'm not really tasting anything!
Following your advice and learning how to "sip" and retro. Plus I'm giving up the cigarettes as soon as I finish this pack. Maybe it will help my tastebuds and snot box better pick up some flavors & aroma.
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11-30-2018, 06:19 PM
Ruler Of The Galaxy

Originally Posted by
Plus I'm giving up the cigarettes as soon as I finish this pack. Maybe it will help my tastebuds and snot box better pick up some flavors & aroma.
Well whether or not it helps, giving up those things would be one major improvement to your overall health I'm sure. Go for it!
Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
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AlanS thanked for this post
12-01-2018, 02:10 PM
Indeed so Most indeededly
Taking a break, while the power was out, from setting up the christmas tree. Some McClelland holiday spirit 2015 in this lil kleenest deluxe

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"If we never did anything we shouldn't, we'd never feel good about the things we should."
"I wish there was a way to know you're in the good old days, before you've actually left them."
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12-01-2018, 05:51 PM
Advisor to Bum Wanabees
Pretty little pipe, Blake!
Puffing Wessex Fragrant Virginia in my old Kirsten. Cider topped, and very tasty, I’m going to buy more of it.
I like my Braunschweiger cut 3/8” thick. And I’ve learned that the way to get 3/8” slices is to ask for 1/2” slices. Yesterday, I did just that, but the new girl at the deli counter actually cut them 1/2” thick, bless her heart. So I had nice meaty sandwiches for lunch today (on German-baked pumpernickel). Very good, though! Plus lots of raw onion, mustard, and freshly ground pepper.
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12-01-2018, 08:11 PM
Ruler Of The Galaxy
Burning a flake of Peter Stokkebye Navy in a Canadian. This is a nice Va once it gets some age on it. IMO it's a bit sharp fresh. This batch is approaching a year old and mellowing nicely.
Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
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12-01-2018, 09:02 PM
Custom User Title
Grabbed a jar from the back of the shelf and it contained.... Stokkebye Luxury Twist Flake, which is basically a navy flake. It has a few years on it and is quite tasty and mellow. Burning it in my Altinok meer.
You oughta know not to stand by the window, somebody see you up there.
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12-01-2018, 09:09 PM
Lakeland Bum
Smoking a bowl of D&R Cockstrong in a McCranie billiard.
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