That's a really cool looking pipe!
Do you find it a different smoke in the stubby vs a "traditional" size pipe?
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Just smoked a bowl of Five Brothers in a Dunhill apple.
C&D Big 'n Burley :)
Now having some McClelland No. 27 matured Virginia in my unfinshed Savinelli Series III.
Smoked some Sutliff Crumble Kake English #1 in a Savinelli Trevi 320KS.
I really like it. It has a lot of tangy, sour oriental notes.
It will be on market in November. I might need to pick some up.
It's the closest one. A Savinelli Tundra Brownblast 315.
The tour was great! Also got to meet and chat with JimInks, Russ O, Karl MacAlister (SP?), and a few other members of other forums.
The pipe show was also great.
Smoking some more Five Brothers in a Dr. Grabow billiard. (That's not Five Brothers in the picture though.)
What? You mean that's not the extremely HTF, 5 Brothers flake? :D
Fixin to burn a few coins of Sweet Rum Twist in the gourd tonight.
My gourd is getting pretty gunked up inside. Anyone have any magic treatment to clean it out?
I was planning on bending a small bottle brush into a J and using Everclear as a solvent. Souns like a PIA tho...
No, that tobacco in the picture is from my last failed attempt to make a flake. No more trying to make a flake unless I decide to get a hydraulic press, and I don't know if I want to take it to that level.
Be careful using Everclear on that gourd - it might ruin it. I've not cleaned mine yet either, but it seems like it might damage it. I know it will ruin a Cherry wood pipe; dries it out so much it cracks and splits.
From Carl Ehwa's The Book of Pipes and Tobacco
Well I considered just using rum too. That article mentions 'spirits' but doesn't go into any more detail.
What's wrong with that flake? It looks just like G&H Louisana Flake. Can't be all that bad.
If I ever decided to make flake I'd weld up some bolt-together contraption so I could clamp it up and then 'stove' (lol) it in the oven while it's under pressure. It's not something I plan on doing tho. There are so many wonderful flakes out there already that I can't see the point... that and I already have decent stockpiles of all my favorites so why re-invent the wheel? I don't even have the time to try the ones that are already out there.